12 Medications You Should Avoid During Pregnancy

Wrong Medications are well-known contributors to birth abnormalities that are not inherited. Many women don’t know they are pregnant in the first trimester. Given that this is the primary time for organogenesis, or the formation of the organs, using some drugs during this period carries substantial risk.

A few pharmaceuticals are categorized as category X drugs, or drugs that should not be taken by women who are or may become pregnant. Get familiar with this list of category X drugs if you are of reproductive age and not utilizing a reliable method of birth control.

Ensure to consult the best compounding pharmacy online to get medical advice before taking any drug. 

  1. Lupron: Pregnant women should not use lupron (leuprolide), which is used to treat uterine fibroids in women. Although leuprolide typically prevents menstruation and inhibits ovulation, non-hormonal contraceptives should also be taken.
  2. Rheumatrex: Psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis are both treated with Rheumatrex. It is not ideal for pregnant women because it has been linked to congenital abnormalities.
  3. Tazorac: A lotion called Tazorac is used to treat psoriasis, wrinkles, and acne. A negative pregnancy test should be obtained two weeks before treatment because Tazorac has the potential to induce fetal defects.
  4. Restoril: Adult insomnia is treated with Restoril, which is a benzodiazepine. It is believed that all benzodiazepines pass through the placenta, increasing the risk of low birth weights and premature births.
  5. Danocrine: Endometriosis and breast pain or tenderness from fibrocystic breast disease are both treated with danocrine. The female fetus may have androgenic reactions due to danazol.
  6. Arava: Immune modulators like Arava are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Due to the risk of injury to the fetus, sexually active women must utilize reliable contraception during treatment.
  7. Migranal: This is a medication used to treat migraines. Dihydroergotamine is oxytocic, meaning it can increase uterine tone and trigger uterine contractions, which can be harmful to pregnant women.
  8. Coumadin: A blood thinner called coumadin is used to treat or prevent blood clots in the veins, arteries, lungs, and heart. As a result of early first-trimester exposure to Coumadin, severe fetal malformations have been recorded. Pregnant women should stay away from such medications.
  9. Soriatane: A prescription for Soriatane is given to treat severe psoriasis. Women who are pregnant or who expect to become pregnant should not take Soriatane during treatment or for three years after it has ended.
  10. Absorica: Women who are or may become pregnant should not take the acne medication Absorica (isotretinoin), which is prescribed for them. If you become pregnant while taking isotretinoin, there is a significant risk that you will have a baby with severe birth abnormalities.
  11. Lipitor: The statin class of medications includes Lipitor, lovastatin, Pravachol, Zocor, and Lescol, used to decrease cholesterol. They shouldn’t be used on pregnant women because it has been proven that they can lead to fetal defects. Why do statins cause such a horrible pregnancy outcome? This answer is not far-fetched! Statins have an impact on the fetal development process of cholesterol production.
  12. Arthrotec: Rheumatoid arthritis-related joint discomfort is treated with Arthrotec (diclofenac sodium/misoprostol). Diclofenac and misoprostol, present in Arthrotec, have been linked to birth abnormalities, early birth, and abortion.
Categories: Health
Kyle Baxter:


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