
4 Interesting Ways To Attract New Customers To Your Online Business

The world has gone digital. Now, consumers have transformed into smart shoppers. 1.92 billion people are expected to buying items online.

You see various big companies jumping on the bandwagon of going digital with their product. You might think that in such a world, starting and sustaining an online business would be easy. However, it is quite challenging. Only two-thirds of small businesses survive two years of operation while half of them fail after reaching the five-year mark.

With the competition increasing the difficulty of getting a share of voice in the market, it is integral to attract new customers to your online business. This is the only way of sustaining it. Here are interesting ways you can attract new customers to your online business.

How To To Attract New Customers To Your Online Business

Launch a visually pleasing store

The first step to attracting new customers is making the right impression. Just like you present the best version of yourself when you meet someone for the first time, you should do the same with your business. While there was a time when merely having an online store sealed the deal, this is no longer so. Now, customers want it all- functionality, convenience and aesthetics.

Web design is integral to the overall purchase experience. Any ugly website can cause you a sale. You need to catch the attention of your customers in the first three seconds or else they are likely to abandon your website. And remember, while old customers are likely to come back after quitting your site, new ones won’t.

So, begin by creating an attractive website design. While you should aim for making it beautiful, don’t forget to keep it professional. The importance of having a visually pleasing site is more critical if the product you sell cashes on its beauty. For instance, if you have a wedding dress business. Your customers would expect your website to be chic and sophisticated. If it isn’t, this will raise a question about your credibility leading to a high bounce rate. So, design your website well. Grab their attention from the get-go.

Give something for free

The word “free” is by far the most useful word in the world of business and marketing. After all, everyone loves getting something free of cost. You might wonder, why should I give my products for free? Won’t that create the wrong impression in the market?

Unless you are positioning your brand as being premium, giving free samples or bundles with other items will attract customers. This is because free items help in initiating a trial. Unless people know what they are missing, they are unlikely to be drawn to your product or service. Giving stuff away for free helps the masses know about your business. It builds the essential brand awareness and triggers the user purchase cycle.

Moreover, giving items for free helps your new customer in reducing the risk involved in using a product. Unless the product does not demand a huge chunk of the wallet, most of us are risk-averse. This is one of the biggest reasons why new products fail. After trying it out for free and being satisfied with it, they will be more willing to pay money for the said product.

Let’s say you don’t want to offer your entire service for free. You can still grab the attention of the masses by offering something free of cost. For instance, when we buy cars online, we are first required to value our vehicles. You can provide this service free of cost to all, to increase traffic to your site.

Align your content with customer needs

Content marketing is highly effective in driving traffic to your website. One of the best ways to create awareness of your potential target audience and gain space in their head is by being relevant to them.

For instance, let’s say a given person searches for a query within the realms of the industry you operate in. You write a blog post about it, and they find it immensely helpful. Even if they are not looking to buy your products, they will remember the name of your brand. You will succeed in forming positive brand associations that will come in handy the time when the said customer does require the product of your category.

A great way to remain relevant among the masses is by looking at your FAQ section for blog post ideas. Is there a question that is asked a lot? If so, make a long-form post about it. Include high ranking relevant keywords in it. And voila, you will be able to drive traffic to your site.

Make your customers your spokesperson

One thing about millennials and Gen Z is that they are wary of direct marketing. Ads are not as effective on them as they were on the generations before. These generations crave credibility and reliability. And in terms of marketing, this can best come from fellow customers rather than from your brand.

To boost the traffic of your online business and attract new clients, you must convert your customers into your spokesperson. There is no better marketing tool today than word of mouth and influencer marketing.

Before you do so, you must form a bond with your existing customers. Only then will they speak positively about you. To create a strong relationship, interact with them online. Engage them and reward their loyalty. This way they are likely to post about your company and start an online conversation around it. The more your customers share your content on their social media, the newer clients will be exposed to it.


Follow these four tips and watch as you succeed in attracting new customers right, left and center. Most industries are facing fierce competition. Online business is one where entry is still relatively easy. The trick is to remain in the game for the long-run. And having a growing customer base will allow you to do so.


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