44.904.376 luiz augusto campos engenharia senges

In the world in engineering and services, rise of new companies is an exciting event. One example of a company that recently came onto the market is 44.904.376 luiz augusto campos engenharia senges located within the state of Parana, Brazil. The company was founded on January 18, 2022 and incorporated under an CNPJ number of CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) 44.904.376/0001-04 the company is quickly attracting attention from engineers in the field.

This article is about to give the complete information about 44.904.376 luiz augusto campos engenharia senges and shed light on its past, current actions, and the path to becoming a leading participant in its field.

Company Background

44.904.376 Luiz Augusto Campos Engenharia, often simply known as Campos Engenharia, is a relatively new entry into the engineering industry. Despite its relatively recent inception however, the company has seen significant progress in just a few years. It is located in Senges which is a beautiful city located in the State of Parana, Brazil, Campos Engenharia has rapidly become an enviable presence on the local economy.

44.904.376 luiz augusto campos engenharia senges

It was founded on January 18, 2022 in the name of Luiz Augusto Campos, the company has taken a route that is less traveled, stepping into the competitive field that is engineering and services. With a creative attitude and a dedication to quality, Campos Engenharia has managed to establish itself and earn recognition within the field.

Business Activity

The principal business for Campos Engenharia, as classified by the Federal Revenue, is identified as 71.12-0-00 which is “Engineering services.” This code covers a broad array of services associated with engineering, which include but not restricted to:

  • Civil Engineering can comprise the design, development as well as maintenance for infrastructure, such as bridges, roads, structures and much more.
  • Mechanical Engineering: All services relating to the design and maintenance of machines, equipment and industrial processes come within this category.
  • Electrical Engineering: Companies operating in this industry can provide electrical installation, design, and maintenance services.
  • Environmental Engineering: In light of the increasing importance of sustainability environmental engineering, services for environmental engineering are sought-after for projects that involve environmental impact assessments environmental impact assessment, waste management, and much more.
  • Consulting Services: A lot of engineering firms provide consulting services, offering professional advice and suggestions on different engineering projects.

Campos Engenharia’s involvement within the field of engineering services reveals an extensive range of services and its performance in this area indicates an impressive degree of professionalism and expertise.

Current Registration Status

In the most current information available the registration status for 44.904.376 luiz augusto campos engenharia senges is set at “Active.” This is a significant indication of the company’s compliance with regulatory and legal standards. A status of “Active” status signifies that the company is in good standing and is meeting its obligations to appropriate authorities.

Journey Towards Recognition

The development to Campos Engenharia has been nothing less than remarkable, particularly given its relatively recent emergence. Let’s explore the reasons that led to its growth and recognition:

  • Strategic Place: Senges, the city in which Campos Engenharia is located provides a great site that is ideal for the engineering company. It is strategically situated inside the state of Parana which has the ability to access various infrastructures and opportunities for development.
  • Vision of the Founder The vision and leadership of Luiz Augusto Campos, founder, are key in the success of the business. His love for engineering and commitment to delivering high-quality services has set the standard for the company’s operation.
  • Talent Acquisition: Recruiting highly qualified professionals is essential for the engineering field. Campos Engenharia has been successful in attracting and retaining top engineers across various engineering fields, while ensuring most excellent quality of service.
  • A Diverse Portfolio firm’s willingness to undertake a variety of projects has widened its portfolio. This covers both private and public sector contracts, which cover a variety of aspects of engineering.
  • Technological Integration: Making use of technological advancements is vital to the modern age of engineering. Campos Engenharia has incorporated the most advanced tools and technologies into the processes it uses, thereby increasing effectiveness and accuracy.
  • Sustainable Commitment: Recognizing the shift in global consciousness toward environmental sustainability Campos Engenharia has integrated green methods into its projects, appealing to customers with a focus on the environment’s accountability.
  • A strong and enduring relationship with clients relationships with clients is essential in any industry of service. Campos Engenharia has prioritized a customer-focused approach, with a focus on understanding and addressing the specific needs of every client.
  • Engaging in Community: Being a active part of community involvement in the Senges community has contributed to helping Campos Engenharia build a positive image. Participation in local initiatives as well as community-based projects has gained the trust of.

Local Impact and Beyond

Even though Campos Engenharia has made a significant contribution locally in Senges and in the state of Parana but its reach goes beyond borders. The company’s commitment to quality and the ability to adapt to the changing requirements of industry have attracted attention on the national and perhaps international scale.

The projects implemented in the name of Campos Engenharia have not only helped in the improvement of infrastructure and development in Senges but also established standards for engineering services in the region. The projects span many areas including the construction of modern buildings to re-designing transportation systems and the implementation of sustainable solutions.

Apart from helping the local economy, Campos’ efforts align with the nation’s objectives related to the development of infrastructure and economic growth and sustainability. This aligns the company as a significant contribution for the Brazilian engineering scene.

44.904.376 luiz augusto campos engenharia

Future Prospects

The road to 44.904.376 Luiz Augusto Campos Engenharia has still in its initial stages, yet this company has already shown the potential to grow and efficiency. As it builds the strengths of its team and gain knowledge, many exciting opportunities will be in the future:

  • Expansion Expanding: The company might think about expansion of its business to other regions of Brazil taking advantage of opportunities in various municipalities and state governments.
  • Diversification: Branched into special areas of the engineering industry like smart infrastructure or renewable energy could open up new avenues for expansion.
  • Innovation and Research Investment in research and development can make Campos Engenharia apart as an industry leader, which allows it to create innovative solutions.
  • International Ventures: As the company grows in recognition and experience It may look into international opportunities, thereby contributing to Brazil’s international presence in the field of engineering.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: In light of the increasing attention paid by the world to environmental sustainability Campos Engenharia can further improve its image by innovating environmentally friendly engineering solutions.


1. What is 44.904.376 Luiz Augusto Campos Engenharia Senges?

44.904.376 Luiz Augusto Campos Engenharia Senges is an engineering company located in Senges located within the state of Parana, Brazil. Its main focus is on providing engineering services.

2. What year did Campos Engenharia founded?

Campos Engenharia was founded on the 18th of January, 2022.

3. What is the CNPJ of 44.904.376 Luiz Augusto Campos Engenharia?

Its CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) is 44.904.376/0001-04.

4. What is the primary job that is the main activity of Campos Engenharia according to the Federal Revenue?

Based on the Federal Revenue, the main business for Campos Engenharia falls under the code 71.12-0-00 that’s “Engineering services.”

5. Is the company still operating?

As per the most recent information available the status of registration for Campos Engenharia is “Active,” which means that the company is operating at present.

6. What kinds of engineering services do Campos Engenharia offer?

Campos Engenharia offers a wide array of engineering services which include mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electric engineering environmental engineering, as well as consulting services.

7. What has prompted the recognition and growth of Campos Engenharia?

Many factors have contributed to Campos’ recognition and expansion in the past, including its strategic location as well as the vision of the founding founder Luiz Augusto Campos the acquisition of talent diversification technology integration, dedication to sustainability, a client-centric approach, and involvement in the community.

8. What can Campos Engenharia had an impact on the local community of Senges?

Campos Engenharia has positively impacted the local community of Senges by supporting infrastructure development as well as participating in community-based initiatives and generating opportunities for employment.

9. What are the prospects for the future of Campos Engenharia?

The prospects for the future of Campos Engenharia are expansion into new areas and diversification into engineering sectors, investment in research and development and potential international ventures and a continuing emphasis on sustainability projects.

10. How can I contact Campos Engenharia for inquiries or collaborations?

To inquire about collaborations or inquiries for collaborations or inquiries Campos Engenharia, you can get in touch with them through their official website, or connect via their contact info provided through their channels.


44.904.376 luiz augusto campos engenharia senges with the brand company name Campos Engenharia, has emerged as a promising participant on the Brazilian engineering services industry. Established in 2022, the company has rapidly earned respect and recognition for its dedication in achieving excellence and strategic vision and engagement with the community. Check Demystifying errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=opgegeven opdracht niet gevonden.&errorcode=4.

With a wide range of services in the field of engineering, an experienced team of experts and a dedication for sustainability Campos Engenharia is well-positioned to continue its growth and achieve success. As it expands its reach and help in national and local growth and development, the company is set to make an impact on the landscape of engineering in Brazil and perhaps even further.

Categories: Business


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