5 Best Survival Shows and Movies on Netflix

Netflix has become the hub of online streaming in contemporary times. With over 7000 shows and movies on one platform, you can find the perfect escape from the world into some excellent video content. Netflix brings you anything and everything on your radar, and whatever you love might be there for you. However, the geo-restrictions might make you a bit constrained from accessing all the content. But with VPN for Netflix, you can get access to all the Netflix content libraries. ExpressVPN For Netflix is one of the most reliable and best-working VPNs that can get you to bypass the geo-restrictions. But this is not our point here. We are here to recommend some great survival shows and movies that you watch on Netflix. If you are a survival genre fan, this list is perfect for you.

     1. The Walking Dead

We have seen Zombies in many movies, but what we see in The Walking Dead is utterly different. The movie’s story is about a police officer who is in hospital after being shot by a criminal. But the actual story starts when he comes out of the hospital and finds the city under an attack by Zombies. The story gets more interesting when the officer finds that his family is missing. The job then becomes more of a rescue mission than a survival mission. However, the Walking Dead is only available in 24 countries, but with a VPN for Netflix, you can access it from anywhere.

     2. No Escape

Well, No Escape and The Walking Dead have one thing in common, and it is a man saving his family. But unlike The Walking Dead, here the man has to face a rebellion army that is forcing the foreigners to leave the country. Some epic survival and run-away scenes have made this movie a suspense-thriller. Some scenes are also brutal and blood-dripping to make the viewers more interested in what is coming next.

3. Solo

Have you watched 127 hours? Well, if you have watched 127 hours and liked it, then you should go and watch Solo now! The movie is based not only on a true story but also is about survival that takes every inch of courage. Solo is a movie about a near-death experience of a man who slides down a dune and crashes into the ocean. It puts the man into a do or die situation. Fighting for his life, he reflects on everything he has ever taken for granted, which makes him motivated for survival.

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4. BirdBox

This movie went viral when it came out. The story is about a mysterious force that kills everyone that sees it. On the other hand, the woman is trying to save herself and her kids from this force and are running for her life with a blindfold. The thrilling scenes and fight for life and death have made this movie interesting. Moreover, it gives you several tips to survive in uncertain situations. The movie is amazing to watch for all the survival, thrill, and suspense fans.

5. The Decline

The Decline is a movie that starts with survival training but ends up in a survival mission, and the characters of the movie are now looking for just one thing, and that is to stay alive. If you are a survival movie fan, you have many things to take away from this movie. The movie starts with people going for training on how to survive in different threats and attacks. But amidst their activity, they face something they didn’t imagine in their wild fantasies. An unknown force attacks them and now are looking for something that can keep them alive. This movie is a perfect watch for people who love to explore how to survive in uncertain conditions because not only has it got some jaw-dropping scenes and some on-point takeaway lessons.

These five movies are the perfect watch for you if you are a fan of survival movies. These movies are not only scripted amazingly, but also; the screenplay has made it more interesting. Throughout all the movies, one thing is guaranteed, and it is that you might not be able to predict what is coming next.

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Categories: TV shows
Abdullah Hussain:


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