5 Medical Conditions That Can Be Treated With Hypnotherapy

One of the most common questions that people have when it comes to using hypnosis for treating certain medical conditions is, “Does Hypnotherapy Work?”

The answer to the question is way more subjective than one might think. However, for the most part, hypnotherapy is a great way to treat various medical conditions, reduce the pain and suffering that comes with them, and also manage their symptoms.

Hypnotherapy works with the subconscious and finds the root causes of certain ailments that are the product of stress, anxiety, overthinking and so on.

Various hypnotherapy programs like Anxiety Hypnotherapy London, Addiction Hypnotherapy, et cetera can greatly help you deal with troublesome situations.

Although not all the physical and mental illnesses in the world can be treated with hypnotherapy, there are several that can be.

Therefore, in this article, we will tell you about a few conditions that can be treated or helped with hypnotherapy.

1.   Migraines

Migraines can be the result of various underlying conditions along with hormonal changes, stress and anxiety. A great number of these problems can be solved with the help of hypnosis.

However, before one seeks the help of a hypnotherapist it is essential to have a perfectly accurate diagnosis of your condition. This will greatly help the therapist determine the right treatment strategy for you.

Make sure you see a general practitioner before you approach a hypnotherapist to determine the cause of your migraine. In cases of stress and anxiety, Hypnotherapy for migraine is widely known to help patients with migraine problems.

2.   Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Many healthcare specialists including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence suggest hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Hypnotherapy can effectively help manage the symptoms of a chronic condition like IBS, especially in cases where stress and anxiety play a major role in making it worse.

What’s more, hypnosis is so commonly recommended by hospitals and general practitioners that many health insurance policies cover hypnotherapy for IBS.

3.   Psoriasis and Eczema

As mentioned before, hypnotherapy is a great help when it comes to managing the symptoms of chronic conditions.

Just like many other chronic conditions Psoriasis and Eczema are commonly known to be triggered and enhanced by stress.

With the help of visualisation techniques, exposure therapy, CBT and other hypnotherapy treatments, you can manage stress, anxiety and your skin conditions efficiently.

4.   Insomnia

Insomnia is probably one of the most annoying conditions on this list. Not only does it affect your physical and mental health but also severely decreases the quality of your life for a long period.

While insomnia can be the product of a whole lot of underlying conditions and illnesses, it can also be cured with various treatments.

One of the most common treatments for insomnia is hypnotherapy. By slowly exploring the depths of your subconscious, hypnotherapy can help you explore the root causes of your problems and find effective ways to treat them.

5.   Chronic Pain and Pain Management

The association between pain and hypnotherapy is one that has been around for a long, long time. Hypnosis is often used to help people cope with chronic pain.

Hypnotherapy efficiently works to release the stress and anxiety that comes with a condition that can cause chronic pain. Furthermore, the latest studies have shown that hypnosis can help manage and reduce the symptoms of various painful ailments.

If you’re suffering from something similar, we suggest you talk to your doctor about your condition and ask him if your condition or pain can be helped with hypnotherapy.


Hypnotherapy is one of the best treatments prescribed by doctors all over the world. The therapy not only works for a large number of mental issues and diseases but also helps physical illnesses to a great extent.

As the world moves towards great development, stress and anxiety are rapidly increasing in the population. This can trigger various conditions that may adversely affect anyone suffering from these diseases and subsequently, their loved ones.

Therefore, if you or your close ones are suffering from any of the above-mentioned conditions, we suggest you see a hypnotherapist to help you manage it.

Now that you know all about the incredible benefits of hypnotherapy, you can simply type, “anxiety hypnotherapy near me” or “stress hypnotherapy near me” on Google and find help.

Categories: Health
Jhon: Muhammad Mubeen is the author of <a href="https://daily24newz.com/">Daily 24 Newz</a> & Other sites . Mubeen has been working in Digital marketing industry for over 5 years from website audit, link and content development, social media and search engine optimization. Connect with <a href="https://www.facebook.com/mmubeenh">Muhammad Mubeen</a> on <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/mmubeenh/">Linkedin</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/mmubeenh">Twitter</a>, and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/mmubeenh">Facebook</a>.


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