7 Step Guide To Choosing A Solar Company

Future generations are likely to benefit more from solar energy because it extensively helps us regulate our power consumption. Most homeowners opt for solar to harness the readily available renewable energy source tapped from sunlight. By selecting solar power over the standard power system, you’re making the first step towards conserving the environment and contributing to planet earth.  

Most people prefer working with a renowned solar company like Solar Power Newcastle to enjoy the maximum benefits a solar panel can provide. Unfortunately, some solar companies are faux resellers who stage to devour clients’ money with defective solar panels. Before working with One of the best solar companies in Connecticut, you must first point out your needs, how you’re going to filter through available options, your budget, etc. This and more, we’ll briefly discuss in the following 7-step guide:

Sum Up Your Power Needs

As you make plans for your first solar installation, start calculating your total power consumption in your homestead. With a well-pondered quantity of power at your fingertips, it’s easier to decide your next move. Your electric consumption is proportional to the size of the solar energy panel your premises require. Drafting a clear and focused power need is essential and relevant for anyone looking for a solar company near them. Overall, it guides your steps to choosing the right solar company to partner with and streamlining your future power needs accordingly.

Know What They Are Selling

Like anything in any market, price indicates quality, with more expensive equipment costing more. An average solar panel can last between 25 and 35 years. While others may last longer, others come with a shorter lifespan. For example, the thin-film panel can last between 14 and 17 years. Meanwhile, more expensive models can hit up to 50 years of reliable performance. USA-made panels are believed to offer more quality (therefore cost more) than imported brands. Similarly, monocrystalline panels are costlier but more energetic than polycrystalline PV panels.

Therefore, notice that everything boils down to the type of the panel. A good company will thoroughly explain their product and give a proper recommendation.

Check Their Warranties

Most solar systems can last long without experiencing issues, but the solar company should offer a longtime warranty just in case. This type of warranty proves that the company will stick close should anything go wrong in the long run. It also reinforces return on investment. The warranty should include policies like equipment, performance, and labor assurances. For example, a solar company may offer a performance warranty of 25 years, with an assurance that the equipment will generate at least 90% power by the 25th year.

Check Customer Reviews 

Consider finding former customers of the solar company and checking their reviews. Reviews are a good measure of a reliable solar company. The right companies must have better reviews from former clients. They are better alternatives to evaluating the nature of the companies’ services and their responsiveness to customer support. You want to find a company with skilled and caring staff that can respond promptly to client concerns. The best sites for ready reviews are Google and Facebook. Also, you may ask the company for a list of previous clients.

Check Whether they are a Local Company

Local companies are easier to trace should a problem arise with your panels. Therefore, consider one with agents in your locality when choosing a solar energy company. In addition to having the assurance of them sticking around, local companies are inspired to uplift their community. In addition, they are well-versed with local constructions and electric codes. 

Check their Turn Around Time 

Most solar installation companies tend to have a pending project on their checklist alongside yours. Therefore, ask them for an insight into their schedule. Also, know when they’ll begin working on your installations and ask for an estimate of how long the project may take. For example, a typical three kW system may take one to three days.

Consider Their Expertise

Thoroughly scrutinize whatever the company offers on the table. Things to revise about your prospective solar company are customer testimonials, professional reviews, and performance. Sometimes, you should evaluate the company’s expertise and notice whether they have prior experience with similar works as your own. This helps you navigate a long list of service providers within your vicinity. 

Are they Licensed? 

Lastly, always opt to find a licensed solar company near you, certified for household and extensive solar installations. A license gives assurance they will predominantly work for a long period. You may also benefit from working with a licensed company, like free repairs and in-warranty services.

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Kyle Baxter:


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