8 Freelancing Jobs You Can Do From Home During Covid-19

Even before the pandemic hit, countless freelancers were adapting to the growing digital world and flexible working. When it did hit, digital freelancers were more prepared than most to work within the confines of their homes.

Work changed for everyone when COVID-19 hit. A lot of people were able to do their work from home and the only thing that changed for them was the way they were working. However, countless businesses had to close their doors and many people lost their jobs. With businesses reluctant to hire extra full-time workers, many chose to hire freelancers.

For businesses that had the means to do so, COVID-19 pushed them into remote work. As a result of this pandemic, nearly 40% of workers were employed at a distance. This transition into flexible working has called into question how staffing and the need for a physical workplace will look in the future. Will this lead to more flexibility in how we work? Will this lead to more freelancers being hired over full-time staff?

The pandemic won’t disappear overnight and we still have plenty of time until we return to work and life as we know it. That means that we need to be thinking about how we will work and make money until then.

Here are eight freelancing jobs that you can do from home during the pandemic.


COVID-19 Best Freelancing Job

Web or Software Developer:

Experts and professionals (having experience in web or software development) can quickly become a web or software developer from home. Good developers are some of the most in-demand professionals and there are plenty of opportunities for freelancers to find work or work under an agency or firm. Your position, a good reputation, and a fair price are nevertheless critical. Developers will likely be able to find more work during the pandemic as businesses try to shift their businesses online.


Content Creator and Writer:

With businesses shifting online, the demand for good quality content and writers to create that content has gone up. Many companies require writers to create content for their websites, online products and marketing materials. The rise of SEO has made this particularly important with businesses looking for someone to create SEO optimized written content to help them get discovered on Google. This type of freelance work is excellent for you if you have a good knowledge of grammar and the right writing style and are interested in reading and writing about various subjects. It’s an easy type of online freelance work for those who are skilled in language and communication.


Graphic Designer/Web Designer/UX Designer:

If you are well trained in design techniques, graphic design, web design or UX design are some of the most in-demand freelance jobs for your skillset. This includes designing websites, social media graphics, logos, print designs, website graphics, app flows and more. Many businesses are finally starting to see the value in having a professional and clean user interface and how this improves the overall user experience of their products and/or online businesses. To win this kind of work, build a strong portfolio for clients to look at and judge your design skills. They will compare your work to others so make sure you include your best work in your portfolio or create some mockups/prototypes if none of your existing work is strong enough.


Social Media Strategist

As we start to spend more time online and on social media, it is important for businesses to be effectively utilizing these new platforms for marketing. That’s where social media strategists come in. This career is great for freelancers with experience in digital marketing. You’ll be in charge of creating and executing social media plans for your clients as well as reporting the outcomes of them. There are all sorts of businesses who want to better use social media so you’ll be able to find work from small, local businesses or much larger companies looking to outsource some of their social media work.



If you can speak and write multiple languages from the world or across your region, it’s an easy skill to earn money from as a freelancer. You might translate the text in mobile apps, add subtitles to videos, blog posts or information sheets. Qualifications are helpful for this work but not necessary if you’re a native speaker of the language. There is a range of different job portals for translators to sell their skills to businesses.


Professor/ Educator:

Education or tutoring is a great job if you’ve worked in teaching kids, high school students or college students. Depending on your specialization, you can work with children, teenagers or adults and offer them private tuition in a range of subjects like languages, maths, science, art, history and more. In some cases, especially if you work for an agency, you may require certain qualifications to become a private tutor. Having extra qualifications may also get you better-paying jobs, however, there is still work available for tutors who haven’t sat official courses.


Copy Writing:

Copywriting is similar to content writing but with a few subtle differences. Copywriters will usually write product descriptions, website content and other sales content. Their job is to sell people on a brand, product or service with their writing. If you have marketing or sales skills as well as writing skills, copywriting is a good freelance job for you.



If you have worked as a bookkeeper for small businesses, your skills are completely transferable to online freelance work. Businesses are always looking for help managing their finances or getting advice on bookkeeping software. You can help them get set up using a simple invoicing system and an expense and finance tracking system.

If you’re searching for new ways to make money during the pandemic, freelancing might be a good option for you. Pick a freelancing job that suits your existing skills and sell it to the people who need skills like yours.

Categories: Featured
Jerry Cline:


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