A Week in the Life of an F1 Driver

If you have always admired F1 drivers’ hard work ethic and determination to keep going then this might be an interesting read for you. Find out what these drivers get up to on a usual week as they prepare for a big race such as the Grand Prix.

Day 1

The driver will arrive at the racetrack and take some time to spend with his team to figure out what strategy they’ll adopt for the race and not forgetting, checking over the car for any faults or improvements that need to be made.

Then it’s up to the driver to take part in various media events, such as attending press conferences and signing all of the autographs they can manage before day turns into night. But wait, it isn’t all over yet for our F1 driver; he may also need to attend a sponsor event or press dinner before going to bed and getting a good rest for the next day.

Day 2

The driver will now need to wake up and smell the coffee as early as 6am to enjoy the morning sunrise through their glass doors from Cover Glass Arizona and spending an hour in the gym before heading to the track at around 8am. Training on the track will make up the majority of this day, ending with potentially more press conferences.

Day 3

Today the driver will decide on the grid for the race but not until he has completed two practice sessions and a warm-up. It is very important to check during the morning that everything is perfect with the car before he qualifies it and gets his lap time in, to decide on where he will be placed in tomorrow’s race. He will have a very important press-conference to attend if placed in the top three positions, before getting a good night’s rest before the race.

Day 4

Race day is here! This is a long day and involves a lot more than turning up for the race and going home. It is jam-packed with warm-ups, press-conferences, parades, and post-race functions.

Day 5

There’s no rest for the wicked. Even though the important event has passed, the driver will still probably wake-up early to get to the gym to maintain their lightweight frame, before potentially meeting a sponsor and then flying out to the next destination.

Day 6

Today, the driver gets right back in the driver’s seat and prepares for the next race, noting any improvements that can be made to the car and technique. This may take from early morning until late as the team experiments with various systems to make the car faster.

Day 7

Here, the driver can look forward to another day of testing, although after this point another driver will take over so that the star can get home and rest before another big race week.

So that’s it, a week as an F1 driver. If there is one thing you can learn from their lifestyle it’s their dedication to their passion and career. No day is wasted, and he is required to focus and work on himself and the car without fail to have a chance at competing against other legendary drivers.

Categories: Lifestyle
Naveen: Naveen is a Digital Marketer at <a href="https://webcube360.com/">Webcube360</a>. She has been blogging for several years and helping small business owners with her amazing marketing skills and knowledge.


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