Are You Still Relying On Landlines For Your Enterprise? Here Are 5 Reasons It’s Time To Upgrade To VoIP

There’s a reason people seem to be so afraid of change. With the status quo working fine for them, why risk it and mix it up? Although that’s really a valid concern, taking a small risk to expand the best that you can get is only logical.

And from the demand virtual number providers like Telnum are supplying to the market, it looks like that risk would be worth it after all. As helpful as landlines have been for the past decades, it’s time for a change.

Considering the number of innovations and the advancement in technologies that are available now, communications as well have evolved. No need to be stuck in the past. You’ve outgrown landlines, and you know it.

Still not convinced it’s the right move for you? Here are why you should ditch landlines permanently:

There’s no financial risk involved on your part (It’s like getting a whole system on sale!)

A business risk usually means shelling out money to make the change. An example would be buying this piece of equipment that can produce your product in half the time even though you’re not sure yet if there’s a demand for the extra that you’ll produce.

That’s not the case at all with VoIP. We say that there’s no risk because it’s actually cheaper to convert your system to VoIP than to stay with landlines.

VoIP lets you get away with hefty international call charges, and some businesses were able to cut their bill by as much as 80% with just this change. And if your company is handing out business phones to their employees like candy, this will let you slash that expense forever.

So even VoIP is exactly like your average desk phone, it still makes sense to switch. But even though it’s cheaper, it actually offers a lot more than your current analog system.

It makes it easier to scale your business empire

Let’s say you built a startup. And you’ve determined that your system needs only 10 phone lines and the basic features for the first two years. These first years, you thought, would only be spent on ensuring stability so you don’t expect as much growth.

But right now, you’re only four people on the team. You don’t even need the call forwarding feature yet. Now, does it make sense that you have to pay for so much more than you need? The extra money could have been invested in client outreach, for example. 

The opposite could also happen: you need more lines than what your contract provides. This could mean waiting weeks just to get those other lines live.

Imagine not waiting weeks to make changes to your system. More importantly, imagine only paying for what you actually use because every system can be customized specifically for your needs – and it won’t take weeks to implement!

That’s the beauty of having VoIP. You can switch it up whenever you want.

You can be wherever there’s an internet connection

The reach of your business phones shouldn’t be limited by phone lines. You employees can work where they’re most comfortable (and even permanently work in any part of the world!), thus increasing productivity.

And although a lot of companies still have a central office, that’s slowly going out of style.

Companies are realizing that having an office for everyone is an unnecessary expense, so everyone’s slowly moving everything online.

And in this future setup where everyone’s working remotely, landlines won’t do the trick. A centralized communication system would only be possible VoIP because it exists in and is supported by the internet.

It has a lot more features

In the old days (or until now if you’re stuck with a landline), you have to buy a fax machine if you want to receive fax messages. And you have to buy the receptionist another machine to activate call forwarding.

No wonder only the biggest companies can afford all those fancy features!

You can have all the fancy features that you want for so much less with VoIP. There’s no catch! No lengthy contracts for you to sign. Plus, you also get a lot of features free of charge with a basic VoIP system.

You can keep your number forever

If you move your business to another area code tomorrow, you won’t be able to keep your number. That means changing what’s in all your marketing materials and informing your clients and everyone else in your list of the change.

But with VoIP, you can move to the other side of the world and still retain the number your clients already know. This way, you’re sure that everyone who wants to contact your enterprise doesn’t get lost.

Enjoy these benefits and experience the future of communications today. It’s bound to happen, so better adapt to ensure the stability and sustainability of your enterprise.

Categories: Business


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