Choosing the right profession is a quite challenging and stressful process, isn’t it? Your future, happiness, and success depend on it, so there is too much pressure. It is one of the most important decisions a person has to make in a lifetime, and that’s why before deciding what their career path is going to be, people think it through and consider many aspects, such as demand, learning duration and costs, skills required, certification, competition, etc.
A locksmith is an ancient profession and has been essential for 2500 years since locks have been constructed. There are four types of locksmiths: commercial, residential, auto, and emergency. People have lock problems all the time because locks might wear out as a result of frequently being used, or keys might get misplaced or stolen. The point is that everyone requires a locksmith service at some point in their lives. Even though it is one of the oldest professions, locksmiths in the 21st century use a van equipped with modern tools and parts. They keep up with current trends and demands of the market, so they provide high-quality services in a short time. The profession changes, it manages to fit modern times, and remain relevant. There is a huge demand for locksmiths, anyone who is choosing to fix the locks as a career will never be out of a job because the future looks quite optimistic and secure for this profession.
Even if you fancy your job at the beginning, it begins to get annoying after some time, especially if it is monotonous. But a locksmith doesn’t need to worry about that. Every day is different and offers diversity. There are new problems to find solutions to and new customers to talk to each day. One day you might be fixing the damaged locks, while the next day you have to open the door for the family who got locked out of the house. That’s probably one of the favorite things for most locksmiths getting to know new and interesting people constantly.
But anyone who wants to pursue a career of a locksmith asks the same question first – how much do locksmith make? A locksmith salary in Philadelphia is approximately $50000 a year. The exact salary depends on the location of a job, the education you have gotten, years of experience, your reputation, diversified skills, and others. Naturally, when you are just starting your salary isn’t that high, especially as an independent locksmith in a low-population area. But, on the other hand, because of the little competition and a fast word of mouth, it is easier to earn a good and solid reputation in small communities. Locksmiths also get bonuses. In addition to this, they get benefits, such as social security, disability, healthcare, pension, time off, etc. As for the locksmith salary in Montgomery County, it is $46000 on average, and it typically ranges from $40000 to $52000. If you are wondering if being a locksmith can provide you satisfying and successful careers, make sure to research all of the advantages and disadvantages and make an informed decision.