The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Freelance Makeup Artist

“All women are pretty without makeup, but they can be pretty powerful with the right makeup.” The increased awareness regarding the way beauty products and treatments can enhance and even transform an individual has skyrocketed the demand for skilled makeup artists. What was in times past a leisure activity and a hobby has today become a full-blown career option. And budding makeup artists have the choice to either join a salon or work independently as a freelance makeup artist. 

Those who wish to be their own boss and work as a freelance makeup artist must consider taking makeup lessons in Toronto or elsewhere and follow some vital steps, as discussed below.

Receiving the Proper Certification 

The foremost step in building a successful career as a freelance makeup artist is to opt for makeup courses from a reputed institution. Working as a makeup artist at a salon or an established beauty brand allows to coast under the wing of their credibility (though admission would still require the relevant qualification); however, as the boss of one’s own business, it is all the more necessary to ensure that the certificates are loud and proud. 

Moreover, and more importantly, the tips and tricks of the trade can be best learnt in a professional learning environment amidst experienced educators and like-minded fellow students. Aspirants can opt for fashion media and makeup course from renowned institutions such as the Pearl Academy. In collaboration with the London College of Fashion, the academy offers a 360-degree learning model to help students make it big in the beauty arena. 

Looking for Internship Opportunities

Working as a freelance makeup artist does not happen so in isolation. Previous internship and assisting roles come in handy; aspirants must apply for internships online or offer to assist at a local salon to come face-to-face with the real-life demands and challenges of the workplace. 

Putting Together a Professional Makeup Kit

Every professional makeup artist must have a well-put-together professional toolkit. Include in your list as a professional makeup artist a led makeup mirror to make your job more fun and exciting. The tool bag of every artist will inevitably differ – some swearing by certain brands while some others with a hodgepodge of tools accumulated from different sources. Never mind the brand; there are still some basic tools that should be present in every makeup artist’s toolkit – a fantastic set of brushes, primers, foundations, concealers, highlighters (all for different skin tones), eyebrow tools, lashes, eye-shadow palettes, beauty blenders, setting sprays, and makeup cleaning tools.

Building a Stellar Portfolio

In freelancing, seeing is believing; clients want to know what one can bring to the table before they invite them to take a seat. A stellar portfolio that tells the one-of-a-kind story of the candidate is the perfect pitch potential customers need; however, aspirants must be wary of including ALL of their work as it can put people off – just their most impeccable creations will do. Also, owning a high-quality camera is imperative – one can experiment with their beautification skills on models in makeup school, family and friends, or even their own self and include such pictures in the portfolio.

That way, even multiple portfolios can be developed, each targeting a specific makeup style. For instance – if the aspirant considers bridal makeup to be their strong-point, they must highlight their best bridal makeup creations in an exclusive portfolio to allow clients to have a clear idea of their work.

Learning a Thing or Two about Marketing

Working under a brand’s umbrella means they take care of marketing the makeup artist to different clients; however, freelance makeup artists need to carve their own way out of the dungeon of obscurity to make themselves known to their target audience. Hence, taking up side-by online self-marketing courses, reading useful articles, even in-person classes will prove to be helpful. Plus, there are loads of apps available to help book clients, boost business, and even find a temporary studio space on rent! 

Keeping the Networking Game Strong

Now, the demand for makeup can be considered sporadic to some extent – it is usually its highest during the wedding season and fashion week time. Given this whimsical nature of demand, one must always have a keen eye for available opportunities – it never hurts to offer ‘free’ makeup services at a local retail store or beauty event; never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing! Once the domino-effect has worked its magic, clients will organically start pouring in from all directions. Plus, marketing online via platforms like Instagram and Facebook is also highly beneficial. 

Freelancing, as a makeup artist, comes with a host of benefits – freedom and flexibility to choose clients and projects, multi-faceted exposure, and a chance to experiment with one’s craft. With the right planning, preparation, and efforts, this lucrative career is within the reach of every budding makeup artist.

Categories: Business


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