What games are kids playing nowadays? We offer you a selection of exciting and harmless PC games for children that can even capture the attention of adults. These games for kids on PC are non-violent, uncomplicated, and help develop the child’s skills.
Snake Pass is the famous “Snake” in 3D and with unusual challenges based on physics. A snake acts as the protagonist, and this essentially reshapes the usual experience – our protagonist does not have arms and legs, so you will have to move like a snake, wriggling and trying not to fall into traps. It’s a beautiful, original and very addictive game.
Roblox is a very popular online game that allows players to create their own virtual worlds and visit foreign worlds, made in a variety of genres – from simulators and puzzles to racing and shooters. And you can also monetize your creativity by selling crafted items, body parts and gear sets. It’s the best way to show your imagination and commercial vein.
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Lego Game Series is a popular construction set for children. No, you don’t have to build something there, instead, you take on the role of different characters and go on a journey through the cubic world. The games are based on various franchises (Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Avengers, Pirates of the Caribbean).
The old games in the series do not have an open world, they have outdated graphics, but they still remain the best! In addition, you can complete levels with a friend on the same computer.
Disneyland Adventures is a virtual tour of the Disneyland park, in which gamers will find two dozen attractions with a hundred quests and thirty-five characters. You can freely explore the amusement park and participate in the adventures of popular Disney characters in this fun family game: helping Mickey Mouse, flying with Peter Pan, jumping down the rabbit hole with Alice, and so on.
Super Lucky’s Tale is one of the enchanting games for kids. Lucky is a cheerful fox, always ready for any adventure! And he always finds them (or they find him): in the Super Lucky’s Tale game, the hero has to stop a villain who wants to change the world and obviously not for the better. In terms of gameplay, this is a three-dimensional platformer, in which you need to jump a lot, fight enemies, explore locations and find secrets.
A Hat in Time is a cute open-world platformer whose main character is stuck on an alien planet. To return home, she needs to collect the particles of time that have scattered around the world, and do it faster than the villainess who decided to use them for her evil deeds. A Hat in Time features a fun cartoon style, funny jokes and mod support.
Rayman Game Series is a game in the genre “jump and run” about the elusive Ryman. Players are invited to go through numerous levels, overcoming obstacles and fighting enemies. The main series has 5 games, and the last is Rayman Legends 2013. The game has the highest ratings from critics, and it is able to carry away both children and adults into its magical world.
Yooka-Laylee and The Impossible Lair is another platformer with a cartoon picture and funny characters who have to save a fairy-tale land from insidious villains. The game is quite easy to learn, so even a child can go through it from start to finish, but completing tasks for the “gold” and finding all the secrets can challenge even experienced fans of the genre.
Fall Guys is a fun multiplayer arcade game in which colorful little men take part in various challenges trying to get the crown. There are many tasks – from a race through an obstacle course to a team game of football. All this is accompanied by ridiculous falls, funny scenes and sounds.