Characteristics Of People Who Affected By Black Magic

Many people are out there, especially those who still live in villages that believe in mystical things. Black magic is one of the shortcuts for them to realize their desires. Magic is usually sent to other people, and with various purposes, it can make that person fall in love, crazy, sick or even die. This actually can’t be done by everyone. Only certain people have special abilities and can communicate with spirits or jinn. However, in some cases, we can remove black magic with God’s sentences or with natural materials that are not liked by evil spirits.

The characteristics of people affected by black magic were the first difficulty during sleep at night!
This one is the main characteristic of those affected by black magic, which is difficult to sleep at night. If the person tends to be fresher over 10 o’clock, the person is more likely to be hit.

Not only that, but black magic sufferers can also experience anxiety and fear that have no apparent reason. This is certainly different from insomnia because insomnia people can usually sleep after passing certain hours.

This aims to damage the body’s immunity from the victim naturally because by not sleeping at night, the body will be more vulnerable to other diseases and a healthy lifestyle will fall apart.

The body feels heavy and is lazier

The next characteristic is lazy. Those who are black magic usually become lazy because the body feels heavier than usual. It is very apparent the difference in those who are usually diligent and active, then become unproductive. In fact, they lost motivation in him.

This next characteristic is increasingly specific showing strange symptoms in the body. If you feel a chest or headache every afternoon, chances are more likely that the person has been black magic.

Worse, these events can take place every day. If you try to see a doctor, surely no specific diagnosis will be given. When taking a modest medication from a doctor, it may be that the pain does not disappear but instead causes new diseases.

Often have the same nightmare

Indeed having nightmares or scary ones like dreams of seeing ghosts and the like is normal for anyone who experiences sleep. But if dreaming of bad things every time you fall asleep or maybe dreaming of the same thing over and over again is it normal? If it’s like that, you could say people who often, even in every sleep disturbed by nightmares, it has been hit by magic.

Sudden back pain

In addition to chest or head pain, sudden pain in the waist can also be one of the characteristics of people in black magic. In fact, it does not only appear in the afternoon, for back pain can appear at any time, or even at any time the pain feels!

Emotional levels change

People with volatile emotions are almost similar to people who are temperamental. But the difference between those whose temperaments tends to be uncontrollable. While those affected by black magic usually tend to be labile. Indeed there are various characteristics of people in black magic. But a review of the characteristics above is the most important symptom and often happens to be more careful!

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