Can You Escape? The Thrill and Excitement of These Top-Rated Escape Room Games!

Escape rooms are one of the most thrilling and immersive games present in the markets today. Thousands of people worldwide have taken to the engaging nature of escape room games and derive their share of fun and enjoyment from them. People across age groups can take part in the escape rooms and feel the thrill of the games. With the rising number of escape room enthusiasts across the globe, many new escape room brands are popping up to offer their share of escape games.  


Nowadays, you can come across a wide range of themes in escape room games. From Sherlock-themed escape rooms to horror and mystery, there is no end to the planes where the escape rooms can transport you through their immersive gameplay. While there are many different escape room games offered by companies worldwide, there are some that offer remarkable gameplay with stunning effects and immersive set designs.  


In this article, we have compiled the top-rated escape room games for you to enjoy playing with your friends, family, or colleagues. So, check them out: 


Recommended team size: 1 to 10 players 

Age criteria: 18 years old or above; 8 years old or above with adult supervision 

The difficulty level of the game: Hard 

Genre: Mystery 

Time duration: 60 minutes 


The plot of the game: Harry Houdini passed away on 31st October 1926. He was famous for his devout skepticism of self-proclaimed mystics. He reportedly took part in seances to debunk these charlatans.  


Now, Clue Chase Labs thinks he was hosting these events to uncover what he believed to be the real source of mystic power, or in other words, The Artifact.  As he passes away, it is now upon you and your team to ensure that his research works and discoveries do not fall into the wrong hands! Are you ready to look through his workshop and find anything concerning the artifact before it is too late? 

  • The Dig: Escape the Room

Recommended team size: 2 to 8 players 

Age criteria: 15 years old or above 

Genre: Mystery 

Time duration: 60 minutes 


The plot of the game: It is a mystery-themed escape room game featuring multiple layers to its engaging gameplay. You and your team will face many unprecedented turns and uncover hidden twists.  


Each of the clues you solve in the game will help you peel open the next layers of this enigmatic mystery. Do you think you have what it takes to find the clues, decipher the puzzles, and make your escape in time? Find out now as you play this escape room game! 

  • Bridge of Embers – Rashi’s Triumph: Peddlers and Parchments Escape Room

Recommended team size: 2 to 12 players 

Age criteria: 12 years old or above 

The difficulty level of the game: Hard 

Genre: History, Adventure 

Time duration: 60 minutes 


The plot of the game: The escape room will take you and your team on an adventurous journey to encounter the legendary Reb Pinchas from Koritz. You will be traveling back 20 generations in time and step into the days when the Shapiro dynasty reigned.  


Your mission in this game is to discover the most-prized treasure of the Jewish people. The game will make you experience the thrill of saving the manuscripts of Reb Pinchas from the raging flames of the Holocaust.  


Explore the mind-boggling puzzles and unlock the doors to step into the world of the medieval ancestor of Reb Pinchas. He is usually known by the title of his Kabbalistic work, the Megaleh Amukos. Are you ready to become a part of his self-imposed exile and a captivating rescue plan? 

  • Rikers 1932: BrainXcape

Recommended team size: 2 to 10 players 

Age criteria: 18 years old or above without adult supervision 

                    1-year-old or above with adult supervision 

Genre: Suspense, Adventure 

Time duration: 60 minutes 


The plot of the game: The escape game opens with you and your team finding yourselves locked inside the walls of New York City’s infamous penitentiary on Rikers Island. You have waited years for this moment to arrive and it is finally here! 


Today, you will, at last, execute your grand plan of breaking free from the shackles of this terrible prison. You do not have even a second to lose! Are you prepared to face what lies ahead and make your escape from the dingy prison cells once and for all? Will the guards catch you in the act or will you attain your long-lost freedom at last?  

  • Special Ops: The Escape Game

Recommended team size: 1 to 8 players 

Age criteria: 15 years old or above  

The difficulty level of the game: Hard 

Genre: Suspense 

Time duration: 60 minutes 


The plot of the game: You and your team were doing regular inspections as usual in the local Ansar market. The market is widely known for housing several criminals! 


Just when your inspection was about to complete, the terrorists triggered a global crisis suddenly. Do you think you have what it takes to prevent the catastrophe and save the world from imminent danger?  

  • Containment: Mind-Busting Escape Rooms

Recommended team size: 2 to 10 players 

Age criteria: 18 years old or above 

The difficulty level of the game: Moderate 

Genre: Adventure 

Time duration: 60 minutes 


The plot of the game: The escape game opens as you and your friends find yourselves trapped in two separate containment pods. A contagious virus has broken out and people are about to be exterminated, and so are you! 


Though everyone in the area tested negative, the government is leaving no stone unturned to curb the threat of the virus. The extermination will begin in the next hour. Do you think you can escape before the hour approaches?  

  • Biohazard: Amazing Escape

Recommended team size: 2 to 8 players 

Age criteria: 14 years old or above 

The difficulty level of the game: Very Hard 

Genre: Thriller 

Time duration: 45 minutes 


The plot of the game: You and your gang are the Alpha team with a new mission assigned to you. To save the world from impending doom, your team needs to retrieve the top-secret virus and its antidote.  


You will need to step inside the Umbrellas Underground Laboratory and find it. Do you think you can complete the task before the facility undergoes self-destruction in about 45 minutes?  


Now these are some of the top-rated escape room games for every escape room enthusiast to play. So, book your escape room challenge and experience the thrill with your friends, family, or colleagues at the escapades! 



Categories: Gaming
Ellen: I’m a Digital Marketing Consultant, Professional Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, and an Online Entrepreneur. Here, I blog about Technology and digital product reviews, SEO, and help people to choose right digital and tech gadgets.


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