Many reports are showing that people are spending less time outdoors than ever before. While that may be true for most people, it’s certainly not the case with hunting enthusiasts. In fact, hunting is gaining popularity with over 25 percent more people taking part in this outdoor activity than just a few years ago. Whether you’re hunting for sport, to put food on the table, or both, having the right hunting rifle in hand is one of the keys to success.
What to Consider When Choosing a Hunting Rifle
Several factors come into pay when you’re choosing a hunting rifle. Each one will affect your accuracy and range, which will ultimately determine whether you hit your mark or come home empty-handed. Keep the following points in mind to help you find the perfect Pure Precision hunting rifles to make your outings worthwhile.
Caliber is one of the most important points to consider. It should match the type of game you’re looking to kill while also giving you range and stopping power. For larger game, 30-06, .300, and .338 are recommended. They’re great for long-range shots, and they can definitely bring down a deer or other larger animal. That being said, they have more recoil. For medium-size game, .300s can cause a bit less damage without sacrificing power. For smaller game, .22s are among the best options.
Action Type
Another aspect to think about is the action type. Many people insist that bolt-action rifles offer more precision. Due to their build, they minimize unnecessary movement when firing. Semi-automatic rifles tend to be a bit less accurate, but they allow you to take multiple shots more quickly if needed. Of course, they’re frowned upon for hunting in some areas, so be sure you understand the regulations in the areas where you’ll be hunting before going out with one of those.
Obviously, you’ll want a rifle that’s designed with accuracy in mind. Not all of them are created equally in this respect. Some are great right out of the box whereas others require a great deal of adjustment and leave a lot of room for error. Consider looking for rifles that have exceptional sub-MOA ratings for optimal accuracy. They can consistently place your shots within less than an inch of your intended targets at 100 yards and less than two inches at 200 yards.
Weight is an important factor to look at as well. This is a bit of a double-edged sword. Heavier rifles, like those that weigh 10 to 15 pounds, are often better for precision shooting. Since they’re heavier, they’re more stable. Still, they can be difficult to carry around, and they may wear out your arms faster if you’re aiming for a while in anticipation of the perfect shot. On the other hand, lighter rifles are easier to carry and don’t drain your stamina, but they’re not as stable. They may be hard to keep on target if you’re up against high winds or other hurdles.
Finding Your Perfect Hunting Rifle
Those are some of the most important points to think about when you’re looking for a hunting rifle. Consider their weight, accuracy ratings, action types, and caliber while you’re browsing the selection of models on the market. You may want to look at which scopes they’re equipped with and whether they’re compatible with others as well. Take your time and keep these factors in mind to help you find the perfect rifle for your hunting expeditions.