Consideration Before Buying Espresso Machine

Not a few who buy an espresso machine just from looking at the first impression that stopped in their eyes and the latest commercial espresso machine is designed mostly to spoil the customer’s eyes at the moment. If you need the best espresso machine, you can try breville bes870xl.

The desire to choose an espresso machine that will stand firmly on the bar, all of those decisions are in our hands. Is the espresso machine needs to be the large one or the medium one? Maybe to consider this, of course, you have to see in what kind of room you are in a coffee shop, and do you think a large espresso machine will be in harmony with the interior of a small room. However, that does not mean that large size espresso machines cannot be juxtaposed with small spaces, in fact, many coffee shops in several countries like Japan use large size espresso machines for their small coffee shops.

After all, everyone who wants to buy an espresso machine has its own classification of what kind of espresso machine they will buy. Maybe, some of the following are among the classifications that can determine what kind of espresso machine they will buy for their coffee shop.

Here are the common classifications for choosing espresso machines:

The Machine Features

How do you use the features of the espresso machine? Is it in accordance with the needs of our coffee shop? It’s because there are some colors that are not friendly with lighting, then this feature is also a consideration for choosing an espresso machine. You need to make a list of questions to answer whether the espresso machine is appropriate, and then answer it yourself to make sure the espresso machine you are going to buy is the right choice for you.

You must also consider these points:

– The portafilter handles from the espresso machine do matter. How does it look like when the portafilter is locked at the group head and everything else around at the group head section.

– How far is the distance of the cup container with the spout on the portafilter, does it match the cup we are going to use?

– Where is the position of the switch button? Is it convenient when we press it to make a cup of espresso?

This is not to determine whether or not the espresso machine is good, but to choose which one is suitable for our barista’s brewing style.

The Material

In general, people will choose the ones made from solid materials because this supports the physical endurance of an espresso machine. However there are also parts like the portafilter handle which is not made of solid material, so it must also be considered.

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If there are some sides that are not made of solid material, it does not mean that it is not good. An espresso machine manufacturer has calculated the materials used appropriately for their machines. It’s just whether it fits with our brewing style or not.

Categories: Lifestyle


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