Do You Need Car Frame Straightening?

Even if a person is not well-versed in the automobile industry, many types of car damage are easy to spot. Anyone can pick up signs if the windshield or the lights of a car need replacement. You can also tell if a vehicle needs a paint job.

Yet, many of the most catastrophic types of car damage can go undetected. One of these types of car damage is a bent frame. It often happens after a collision and is the riskiest and hard-to-spot concern.

Car frame straightening services can help solve this problem. Read on to know more about car frame straightening and why you need it.

What Is Frame Damage and What Does It Do?

Collisions put amounts of stress on your car, especially your car frame. The damage weakens the car structure and causes parts to shift out of place. The more you drive with a damaged frame, the more your car suffers.

After the collision, listen for metallic grinds and squeaks. These sounds can mean car frame damage and hear on one side of the car or the other.

Trying to replace metal parts on a bent frame can result in fitting issues. Fitment issues will also cause underlying mechanical problems. If the axles do not align, the car will crab.

Frame damage is repairable, but you will need to take it to a trained shop for the service.

What Is Car Frame Straightening?

Car frame straightening is a type of car frame repair that fixes damage to the structure of your car.

Quality frame repair straightens the frame damage, ensuring its proper alignment. The car frame can resist future impacts or crashes after a good frame repair.

How Does It Work?

Car straightening tools like the frame straightening machine repair the car frame damage.

Automation and laser technology assess how much damage the car has. These determine the needed adjustments to align the frame.

The platform will support the car. Technicians will place chains between the frame and the poles to rebuild the damage.

A hydraulic system moves the posts and pulls the frame back into alignment. They will measure and stretch the car until it meets the requirements.

How Much Does It Cost?

Estimates vary depending on the extent of the damage. Car frame straightening often costs between $500 and $750. Smaller-scale repairs will charge extra.

The car repair is a situational operation. Your best bet is to have a qualified shop inspect your car before having the framework done.

Can You Straighten Your Car Frame on Your Own?

Don’t ever try to straighten your car frame on your own. Technicians don’t recommend it, and it can most likely do more harm than good.

If the damages to your car are minor, you should be able to work things out without much problem. However, you will need access to pulling support, chains, anchor pots, and clamps. You will also need a professional-grade frame straightener.

Know More About Car Frame Straightening

Now you know more about car frame straightening. It’s a technical process that requires expertise and precision.

If you want to know more about cars and the automotive industry, check out more of our articles.

Categories: Auto
James Vines:


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