I have known the brilliant Dr. Mark Swaim for a number of years and much like anyone out there who knows a healthcare worker, the respect for what they do each and every day was already there. Once the outbreak of this pandemic hit however, I knew that once again this amazing men and women would be going to the frontlines to do what they have dedicated their lives to do, even in the face of such clear danger.
I watched an interview with a chief nurse in the UK back in February, and she candidly accepted that they would be losing some of their colleagues as a result of CoVid-19, a truly scary reality but a reality nonetheless. In the days and weeks which have passed we have indeed seen great losses to our healthcare workers, and those who have been able to, have gone in day in and day out to help the worst affected by this terrifying pandemic. These are the world’s most amazing people and it is time that we remember this.
My concerns about this is that these men and women are being thanked now, and they are being respected now, but we still won’t treat them this way in the future. Sadly we still live in a society where being great at sport makes you a hero, or being able to pen a catchy tune. Those who play sports and write music or who do things that we cannot are indeed impressive, but they are not risking their lives each and every day in the face of clear danger, with no there endgame than to make sure that their patients are alright. Doctors and nurses do not discriminate, they will treat friend and foe to the best of their ability and that is what makes them true heroes.
I must take a moment to commend the huge number of businesses which have looked to support healthcare workers during this time. There are stories all over the world of businesses which have given free food to healthcare workers or free food, discounts for those who are working in healthcare and many more incredible benefits. This is something which should long continue, such is the respect which we must all have for these incredible people.
My Hope
My hope for the future is that all healthcare staff are paid their worth, that there is heavy investment into the medical industry which will ensure that they have great working conditions and that they don’t have to sacrifice all of their time for their job. My hope is that we have a day or perhaps even a month which is dedicated towards these men and women. Healthcare for me is one of the few things which unites every nation on the planet, every race and every creed. Within most hospitals you will meet a world’s worth of cultures and this could be the thing which unifies us all, we have to start giving them the respect which they so rightly deserve.