EMedLab – What Is It And How Do I Use It?

EMedLab is a computational resource for collaborative medical informatics, using private cloud technology to enable the sharing and collaborative processing of massive quantities of clinical data and other patient information, as well as related tools. This means that there are many tools we can use, but it’s also important to know how to use them effectively! In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the most important things you need to know about using EMedLab in your work.

An Introduction To EMedLab

If you’re looking for a tool to facilitate data sharing and collaboration among medical professionals, look no further than EMedLab. We aim to provide users with real-time access to vast quantities of medical data, which we believe will result in more efficient healthcare practices and lower costs. We’re confident our users will be excited about EMedLab as well. That being said, some basic familiarity with EMedLab is required. 


Get Yourself Tested

The best way to answer your question is to test it. By that, we mean get yourself registered and start testing right away. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to find work. Your first stop should be our Guide for Getting Started with eMedlab, which will walk you through setting up an account and getting your profile set up properly. Most of all, have fun! That’s what eMedlab is all about!

Who Can Access EMedlab?

EMedlab was developed for individual medical practitioners, such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists and dentists. There are also specific versions available for hospitals and other large health care organizations. The EMedlab software is available in a variety of formats (web browser, smartphone/tablet apps and hardware connected to a desktop). All of these can be accessed through an annual subscription or by purchasing modules or add-ons as needed. You pay only for what you need without having to purchase complex licenses or subscriptions that you may not use.

Get Access To The Software

If you’re looking for an easy way to keep track of your organizational data, EMedlab is a great free tool that makes it simple to share and collaborate with others. You can access EMedlab on almost any device with an internet connection (smartphone, tablet, desktop computer), which means that you can work at home or on the go. If you’re collaborating with a team of medical professionals, doctors and nurses included, Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel may not be as useful or convenient. EMedlab allows users to share relevant medical data in real-time while also keeping it encrypted and secure, so no one else has access unless they have permission.

Why Use EMedlab When You Have Google Sheets Or Microsoft Excel?

eMedlab gives you a secure place to store your data and lets you share it with others, so that they can collaborate on projects. For example, imagine that you have been tasked with creating an index of all existing drug interactions. Your supervisor wants to be able to come back in a month and easily look at how you came up with your list, whether you found all of them, and any issues or errors that might need to be addressed in further research. eMedlab is a perfect tool for helping others collaborate on such projects, as well as sharing anonymized patient data for large-scale research without endangering individual privacy.

Why Should My Team Work In EMedlab Instead Of Google Sheets/Excel?

Using Google Sheets/Excel as a collaborative tool for your lab can be very useful. But, there are some issues that will show up over time that might be resolved by working in EMedlab. For example, saving someone else’s work in Google Sheets can lead to inconsistencies because of Google’s auto-save functionality. Keeping track of who is making changes to which spreadsheet cells is also difficult, and this can lead to people overwriting each other’s work or simply not being able to see all of someone else’s edits easily.

Creating Projects In EMedlab

EMedlab makes it easy to create a project, upload content, share files, and communicate with your peers. You can quickly assign tasks and track progress by adding members to your projects. The content you create in EMedlab is automatically available on any device using EMedlab’s online software. You can access information stored in EMedlab from anywhere at any time as long as you have an internet connection; no local software installation is necessary! Once registered and logged into EMedlab, you will see My Projects at the top of your screen.

Navigating Through Projects In EMedlab

Some users might be initially resistant to Project Management tools like Basecamp and Evernote. If that’s true of you, don’t worry! There are some great resources out there that can help get you started—and you might even learn something along the way. These sites/blogs will give you a better understanding of what it means to use Project Management tools in your professional life and how to implement them for maximum effect.

Viewing Details About Users In A Project

To view more details about a user in a project, you need to click on that user’s name. This will give you information about their eMedLab username, how long they have been using eMedlab, and some other statistics. The blue tab just above their information is called Settings and allows you to search for Users or Projects as well as view Roles for Users and Projects. You can also click Edit Project Information which allows you to edit things like Name or Description of projects that are already created in eMedlab by clicking on Edit Project in the far right-hand corner under actions.

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EMedLab is a fully private cloud infrastructure on which computational resources are shared among trusted users in a collaborative way. In other words, if you were to use EMedLab, your data would not be visible to other users. If you are interested in using EMedLab, please contact your friendly neighborhood programmer so that they can assist you with adding eMedLab as an additional computational resource to your computer.

Categories: Tech


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