
Evaluation and Treatment of Infertility

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to get pregnant and have a child. Infertility generally gets identified after one year of unprotected intercourse. There are certain factors that create infertility both in males and females.

It is important for a couple to undergo infertility treatment when they are facing such problems. Treatment can reduce the issues and help in having a child. However, you make sure to get yourslef checked by a reputed Obstetrician.

Evaluation of infertility

The infertility evaluation is based on various medical tests and observations. The examinations help to understand the reason that focuses on the infertility causes resulting in unsuccessful reproduction.

The issues can be identified through detailed evaluation, and then proper treatment can be done. It is evaluated that in certain cases the infertility issue can be treated successfully. However, there are many cases that cannot be treated at all.

Both men and women face the issue of infertility, and therefore treatment for both is necessary. Once the proper evaluation is done, proper treatment can be started with medication or certain changes in the lifestyle as suggested by the physician or gynaecologist.

Treatment of infertility

Infertility treatment depends on specific circumstances, such as the causes and the patient’s age. For example, after 35, women have fewer chances of becoming pregnant. This is due to a lack of mature eggs in women’s bodies at this age. Additionally, the quantity and quality of eggs continue to decrease over time. Ultimately, you cannot improve egg quality, but you can do certain things to improve your fertility.

Certain reproductive technology can be used by a couple in order to achieve pregnancy. There are a variety of treatments for both men and women.

Treatments for men

The change in the lifestyle factor and proper sexual practice can create an impact in changing the scenario of infertility in a person. The reduction of consuming harmful elements and certain medications can also be considered as a treatment.

The frequency of intercourse can be increased as a treatment for infertility. Regular exercising and physical training improve body fitness.

The medical world has gone very far with advanced technologies, and therefore we now have various medications that can help a man to improve his sperm count. Reproductive organ disorders can be cured with medicines.

Furthermore, certain surgeries can also be helpful in treating the issue of infertility. The sperm ejaculation disorders can also be cured this way. Other reproductive techniques can also be adopted in order to increase the sperm count and reduce abnormalities in the reproduction process.

Treatments for women

The ovulation process is the main focus of the reproduction process of a woman. The ovulation disorder in a woman leads to infertility. There are proper medications through which the ovulation process can be stimulated effectively. It is the regular nature of ovulation that ensures the eradication of infertility.

However, there are other processes that help in artificial fertility. The process of IUI or Intrauterine insemination is a healthy process through which the egg can be fertilized.

Healthy sperms are inserted into a woman’s body to fertilize the egg and create proper reproduction. IVF is another such treatment method that is very successful these days.

Various surgeries can also be performed to cure the base cause of infertility in women. Both open surgeries, as well as a laparoscopic surgery, can be done for proper reproduction.


Infertility is a major issue identified in many couples nowadays. A proper evaluation must be done through which proper infertility treatment can be provided effectively.

Effective surgery and treatment can be properly understood through a thorough evaluation. Only then a proper treatment can be provided that will lead to solving the problem of infertility.

James Vines

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