Feline Follower 7 Little Words: Feline following clues for the solution to Seven Little Words can be a little difficult to identify. Don’t worry you, dear readers. Here is the correct solution for the 7 Little Words Feline follower clue.
7 Little Words is a puzzle game with daily puzzles, along with extra puzzles. It is a great game that won’t take up many hours amount of time. Seven clues are provided in which the clue explains the word and there are 20 possible part words (two up to 3 letters) which can be joined together to make the answer. If you’re seeking answers for”Feline Follower” from the 7 Little Words clue “Feline” Follower, we’ve got the answer for you below.

The Story Behind 7 Little Words
Seven Little Words is a fun word-puzzle that you can play any time. The game was invented in the company Blue Ox Technologies. It is a game where you have to find seven words by using seven clues.
If you take a look at the puzzle, you’ll see a grid of 4X5. In each box, there are 3 or 2 alphabets that have been put together.
The alphabets, when arranged according to the clues make the word which is the answer to the game. To aid you, the creator of the game has listed the number of letters in every word.
There is no penalty for making an incorrect answer. There is no time limit to finish the challenge.
Feline Follower 7 Little Words Answer
Once you’ve figured out how to play Let’s take an examination of the answer to this clue. Feline follower of the current 7 Little Words puzzle.
7 Letters
Defined as Feline following 7 Little Words Answer
1.copycat, imitator, emulator, ape, aper (noun)
Someone who imitates someone who copies the words or actions of someone else
2.copycat (Noun)
A person who copies other people’s work, but without adding any originality.
3.copycat (Verb)
To be a copycat or copying in a sly or a derivative manner
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NOTE: There are times that game creators use the same clues in different puzzles. For avoiding confusion, best approach to solve the puzzle is to look for the amount of words in the puzzle. Also, search for words in each of the boxes. This strategy could be helpful in the event that there are two puzzle pieces that have identical.