What are the Natural Foods to avoid for Erectile Dysfunction?

30-Second Summary

  • Erectile dysfunction affects about 30 million men in the United States. 
  • Filling up your plate with the right foods can improve your testosterone levels and ease the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
  • Erectile dysfunction is caused by the poor supply of blood to the penis. Hence, foods that are good for the vascular system can help with ED.
  • Low testosterone levels can greatly affect your sexual performance.
  • It is important to consult your doctor before incorporating certain foods into your diet, especially if you are on medications. 
  • Changes in diet can lower the risk of getting various conditions that cause ED, such as cardiovascular disease and obesity.


Did you know that more than 30 million men in the United States suffer from erectile dysfunction each year? ED is a condition that makes it difficult for men to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual performance.

This condition affects most men as they age because their male hormone testosterone levels reduce. Luckily, it is possible to enjoy a sexual performance by just making some simple diet changes. 

In this article, we will explore the top foods to avoid erectile dysfunction

Leafy Greens and Beets: Nitric acid is a vital factor for developing and maintaining a good erection. This is because it relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow in the genitals. According to a 2018 study, foods that are packed with nitrates can boost nitric oxide levels. 

Years before the first erectile dysfunction drug was approved by the U.S. Food and Administration, several case reports were published showing the benefits of nitrates for erectile dysfunction. Today, ED medications on the market have been developed based on the effects of nitrates on the blood vessels. 

Leafy green vegetables like spinach and celery are rich in nitrates, which improve sexual function. Besides, spinach is also rich in magnesium, which is vital for maintaining healthy levels of testosterone as you age. Other foods high in nitrates include Chinese cabbage, arugula, lettuce, and radish. Beetroot juice is also good for ED patients since it is high in nitrates. 

Pistachios: A study done in 2011 sought to determine the effects of pistachios on erectile dysfunction patients. The study found that participants who consumed a diet rich in pistachio nuts for several weeks reported improved sexual health, including sexual desire, satisfaction, and decreased ED. 

According to researchers, pistachios are packed with a protein called arginine that is responsible for relaxing the blood vessels. This, in turn, increases the circulation of blood to the penis. 

Flavonoids Diets: Flavonoids are plant compounds that are known as phytonutrients and are abundant in vegetables and fruits. These naturally-occurring antioxidants repair cell damage and offer protection to plants against toxins. They are also believed to have the same effects on human beings and improve blood pressure and endothelial function. 

A prospective study that involved 25, 096 middle-aged males found that those who consumed a lot of flavonoids experienced only 9 to 11% of their erectile dysfunction condition than those who consumed less. 

Some of the best flavonoid foods for erectile dysfunction include dark chocolate, strawberries, apples, pears, red wine, and citrus products. Dark chocolate, in particular, also increases the levels of a mood-boosting hormone known as serotonin. This helps to lower stress, boost sexual desire, making it easier to reach orgasm.

Oysters and Shellfish: Oysters and shellfish are a great source of zinc. Zinc is a mineral that is vital for the production of testosterone, which helps with sexual health. This makes them renowned for their aphrodisiac nature. According to Male Peak Ultra Review postings, Male Peak enhancement pills are also reputed for being an aphrodisiac. The zinc in oysters and shellfish helps to maintain healthy sperm numbers and motility.

Watermelon: Watermelon is highly packed with an amino acid known as L-citrulline. When L-citrulline enters the body, it is converted to L-arginine. L-arginine is responsible for stimulating the production of nitric acid. Watermelon has also been found to be a source of phytonutrients that relax the blood vessels, which ensure erections. 

Coffee: If you always skip your cup of coffee in the morning, then you should get back to it. A study by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston that involved more than 3,700 participants established that coffee could improve sex life, thanks to its key ingredient, caffeine.

Caffeine is thought to increase circulation, which is a primary factor in attaining and maintaining an erection. It increases blood flow by relaxing the penile muscles and arteries, thereby causing sustainable erections. A study has determined that taking two or three cups of coffee daily reduces the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. 

Mediterranean Diet: Mediterranean diet is not only good for your heart, but it also proves beneficial for your penile function. This is because heart disease is one of the causes of ED. Evidence shows that a Mediterranean-rich diet can lower the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

According to a 2017 review that involved four studies, this diet improved sexual function and lowered the chance of ED in males. Although researchers can’t explain the cause for this, they believe that the combination of antioxidant-rich foods and fiber-filled foods promotes healthy blood flow. This diet emphasizes healthful whole foods like fruits, whole grains, vegetables, olive oil, legumes, and fish.

Fortified Milk, Salmon, and Egg Yolk: A clinical study in The International Society for Sexual Medicine found that lacking vitamin D can contribute to erectile dysfunction. You need Vitamin D to produce the right amount of nitric acid required by the blood vessels for erection and performance. 

Vitamin deficiency releases free radicals that lower nitric acid production. Without this production, the blood vessels won’t relax, and this can hinder blood flow to the penis.

While you can get vitamins from sun exposure, this may be a challenge for some, especially during the winter months. In this case, you need to boost your vitamin D by loading your plate with egg yolks, fortified milk, salmon, and cheese. 


Although erectile dysfunction is a common problem in men, the good news is that it is treatable by enhancing your diet. If you are struggling with erectile dysfunction, incorporating the above foods into your diet can help lower the chance of this condition as well as supercharge your erection. However, if you don’t get the results you desire, you can also consult with your doctor about the best male enhancement supplement

Categories: Health


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