Hair Loss Sucks: Causes & The Best Treatments

If you’re experiencing a receding hairline or showing more signs of thinning hair, you are far from alone.

With so many people losing their hair, we wanted to inform our readers about hair loss and hair growth options out there on the market. Safe and effective options for hair loss! Some of these methods are more effective than others, so it’s essential to fully investigate before deciding which technique and products are best for you. Enhance your personality with the help of trustworthy professional regarding productive Hair transplant in London!

What Are the Causes of Hair Loss?

The hairs on your head go through a growth cycle that replaces old and lost hair with new, fresh, strong strands. Over time, it becomes more difficult to provide hair follicles with enough nutrients and energy to complete the growth cycle, and old hair is not replaced.

The following are common factors that contribute to hair loss:


The genetic makeup of your biological parents can be a major contributor to your hair loss. If your parents or even grandparents went bald, you might have been born with a predisposition to pattern baldness. Pattern baldness can be found in both men and women.

Changes to Hormones

Changes to your hormone levels can have a significant influence on hair loss. Women will often experience temporary hair loss after giving birth or while on birth control pills. While testosterone can contribute hair loss in men.

Medications, Supplements

Chemotherapy drugs used in the treatment of cancer can cause hair loss. Blood thinners and blood pressure medications can also cause patients to experience hair loss while taking the drug. If you think your medications are affecting your hair health, talk to your doctor.


Experiencing a high level of stress in your life can cause you to lose hair faster and earlier than it otherwise would. Hair loss due to anxiety will typically grow back if you can reduce stress to a normal level. When it comes to hair loss, it’s important recognize the contributing factor and act fast.

Haircare Maintenance

Men and women often go to great lengths to make sure their hair is looking its best. Unfortunately, some of the actions you take to dress up your hair can lead to hair loss or hair thinning. To reduce the risk of thinning out or losing your hair, you should stop shampooing every day. Bleaching your hair, getting it permed or dyed, can damage your hair in hasten the balding process. Avoid pulling your hair back tight or braiding it and make sure to give your hair break from hairdryers and heating tools.

Hair Treatments That Promote Hair Growth

The type of product and treatment you use to address your hair loss can vary depending on what kind of hair loss you’re experiencing and your personal preferences. The following are among the most effective techniques that combat hair loss and promote hair growth.

Low-Level Laser Therapy

Modern technology and scientific discovery in the 1960s combine to create a laser cap using laser therapy properties to safely regrow hair follicles. When worn for just thirty minutes every other day, the Kiierr laser cap works effectively to regenerate hair cells and allow for substantial hair growth.


The introduction of Rogaine (minoxidil) into the market changed the way people approached the treatment of hereditary hair loss. While it does not work for everyone, minoxidil has shown positive results in clinical tests. Low doses of minoxidil can be found in over-the-counter medications. Still, any hair loss product that contains the active ingredient needs to be registered with the Food and Drug Administration.


Powerful anti-dandruff shampoos work to remove dead skin cells on your scalp. Dandruff shampoos stop the flaking and itching also works to reduce thinning hair. Some shampoos that can help with hair loss can be harsh, while others add hydrating properties that are gentler on your hair follicles. We suggest using a DHT blocking shampoo.

Essential Oils

Essential oils extracted from specific plants have a calming effect while providing enjoyable scents. Some essential oils have been shown to be effective at promoting healthy hair growth. Peppermint oil and rosemary oil have shown the best results at increasing follicle performance and hair restoration.


Hair loss sucks, but there are good products and treatment options available. The sooner you recognize your hair loss or thinning and take control of it, the better off your hair will be. Check out these highly recommended safe and effective hair growth treatments above.

Categories: Health
Tags: laser cap
Ellen: I’m a Digital Marketing Consultant, Professional Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, and an Online Entrepreneur. Here, I blog about Technology and digital product reviews, SEO, and help people to choose right digital and tech gadgets.


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