To explain the process of botox Chevy Chase MD Samantha McCain joins us with the aim of helping you to understand what this process is going to look like. Over the years society has become far more accepting of what botox is and how it can be used for a wide range of issues such as wrinkles, skin defects and even things like bruxism where it is working wonders for many patients. No matter what you are having the botox done for, here is what the process will look like when you go in for this procedure.
Your session will start with a discussion about what exactly you are looking to achieve with this procedure. The specialist will then take a look at the issue and decide how much botox is going to be required for the best and the most natural results. During this discussion everything will be made abundantly clear to you as to what will happen, how much botox will be injected and what you will feel afterwards. Once this decision has been made the specialist soul show you the bottles of botox with the expiry date on them, if they do not show you that the product is in date you should always ask, this is very important.
When the product is injected into your skin it will feel nothing more than a few small pricks into the skin, and then a sensation of being scratched gently underneath the skin as the product is administered. The botox only really covers a small area which is why you will have multiple injections in order to get the look that you are aiming for. In total you may have anywhere between 6-8 injections into the key areas which need it the most.
Post Injection
Once the injection has been completed you will be advised to move your face around in order to encourage the spread of the botox under the skin. In most cases you will have to make three facial expressions, joy, anger, and shock, as you repeat these facial expressions you will begin to feel the product move around under the skin, and this is ultimately what you are looking to achieve in order to get a smooth and natural looking finish.
Looking After Your Skin
The impact of botox can be seen for between 3 and 6 months and the length of time that those effects last will be down to how well you care for your skin. This is why it makes perfect sense to have a daily skin care routine which will ensure that your skin is being hydrated, oxygenated and kept supple, all of this will help to reduce the probability of those wrinkles coming back and the botox treatment itself will last for much longer.
You can have botox more than once but eventually the body may build up a resistance to it and that means that the impact of the injections over time will not be as strong.