The cannabis plant is a natural wonder. CBD and THC are both ingredients of the cannabis plant but have very different effects on those that use them. Whilst THC can produce a psychoactive effect, or a high, in its user, CBD does not contain such property and can instead be used safely and daily in various manners.
Click here to find out more about CBD oil and the scientific evidence of its properties. This article will just explore some of the many ways CBD oil can be used.
CBD is safe
Whilst THC can leave a user to become psychologically dependent, CBD has no addictive effect as it is not psychoactive in nature. Thus, the use of CBD is becoming increasingly popular.
The benefits of CBD range, and with further research and scientific data backing up its services, it is becoming both more accepted and utilized as a natural remedy for many ailments.
CBD oil helps with sleep
The best CBD oil for sleep can also help treat sleep apnea. A study conducted several years ago showed that CBD oil showed positive results in 40 to 50 per cent of individuals suffering from sleep apnea. Cannabinoids positively affect the central and peripheral nervous systems that appear to treat sleep apnea.
In addition, CBD oil is believed to increase upper airway muscle tone, resulting in a more robust glottal area and reducing sleep apnea symptoms.
Suppose you have insomnia, sleep apnea or any other sleep disorder and you want natural healing instead of expensive masks, treatments or surgeries. In that case, CBD is definitely worth it.
Cannabis that is grown under bulbs has the highest THC and is of better quality. In contrast, cannabis that is grown outdoors has a higher percentage of CBD and is classified as industrial cannabis.
The length of a cannabis plant grown in the wild can reach up to four meters. All its parts are used from this plant. The leaves and flowers can be used for various cosmetic products, while the stem is used in the textile industry. So, the stem is used for the production of clothing that today is one of the most expensive or for the production of ship ropes.
Benefits of using CBD products
Studies have shown that CBD oil and its products have promising effects in treating many medical conditions. Many of the properties of CBD can be used to treat symptoms ranging from pain to skin rashes. CBD creams and lotions can treat acne and clear skin tone when applied topically. Athletes looking for a natural way to soothe their aching muscles after strenuous exercise can also enjoy CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties. Because CBD is not a drug but a natural supplement, it can also be added to nutrition and enjoyed in many foods and drinks.
CBD for mental health
CBD helps with the metabolism of serotonin. This is a reason why it makes it so valuable for the treatment of mood disorders, depression and anxiety. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which plays a role in mood and emotion, making us feel good.
CBD, therefore, can help with symptoms of depression and anxiety-related disorders. Additionally, as irregular sleep is often a side effect of many health issues, CBD helps by providing a soothing and calming effect on the user. This improves both sleep quality and sleep duration.
Another application of CBD is in the treatment of headaches and can also be used to heal migraines. Recent trials have also tested the use of CBD for neurodivergent disorders such as autism spectrum, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
CBD for sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential for our overall physical and mental health. That’s where other uses of CBD are very practical. Higher doses of CBD have been shown to induce a sleepy and relaxed state in the user, allowing for an easy transition into a restful night of sleep and prolonging the sleep duration.
The results are waking up fresh and not feeling any grogginess or side effects that sleeping pills would otherwise risk. In today’s busy and fast-paced life, CBD from can provide that relief at the end of the day, allowing us to fall quickly and deeply into a restful slumber.