Motorcycles offer riders fun, freedom, and adventure. Today more than ever before, folks are buying motorcycles as a way of travel. Motorcycle enthusiasts ride locally to and from work as the motorcycle offers much better fuel economy than a motor vehicle, on average. Then there are those who love to hop on their bikes to take long trips, riding across the country or through state parks. However, motorcycle accidents tend to get more publicity when compared to traditional motor vehicle accidents.
Do motorcyclists tend to get into accidents at a rate higher than those in traditional motor vehicle accidents? Not specifically, but the incidence of injury is almost twice that of those involved in motor vehicle incidents. However, if you have been in a motorcycle accident that is caused by another driver (particularly if the other driver is impaired), you may want to consult a motorcycle accident attorney.
In 2018, almost 5,000 riders lost their lives as a result of a motorcycle accident. Motorcycle accidents account for about fourteen percent of traffic-related deaths in the United States. The type of motorcycle you ride also makes a difference in whether you are more likely to be involved in an accident – those driving a “superbike” were four times more likely to have an accident compared to those riding cruising bikes.
Riding a motorcycle can be a great deal of fun, but drivers must also be alert. A quarter of all motorcycle deaths take place because the driver collided with a fixed object. This can cause a driver to be thrown from the bike, which accounts for one reason so many motorcycle accidents end in death. A third of all motorcycle accidents involve the driver’s bike alone (i.e., no other vehicles are involved, no collisions). At least two-thirds of motorcycle accidents are caused by rider error.
Even so, almost seventy percent of motorcycle accidents occur when another driver (in a traditional motor vehicle) violates the right-of-way of the biker. This includes the driver making improper turns, pulling out in front of bikers, and more. In the case of this type of accident, you will most definitely want the assistance of a motorcycle accident attorney.
Motorcycles do have a reputation for being dangerous, but there are many things you can do to increase your safety while riding. First, always wear a helmet, even if you’re only going on a short trip in the neighborhood. Next, be sure to wear clothing that makes you noticeable to other drivers. Bikes tend to have a smaller profile than traditional motor vehicles. Prevent drivers turning in front of your bike by wearing bright colors or using your headlight so that you are seen night or day. Visibility tape can also assist in this area and make you visible to other drivers.
You can consult a Colorado motorcycle accident attorney if you are involved in a motorcycle accident or if you simply want to know true statistics or ways to prevent these accidents. Many lawyers and law offices have the expertise and knowledge to help keep motorists safe.