How to Make Writing Personally Connect to Readers

When talking face to face, you can use your listeners’ body language or facial expressions to convey information. But the same can’t be said about writing.

As a blogger, you can only use words to show your personality or have a distinctive voice. But how can you bring that kind of a feeling by just using words?

Your personality will shine through what you write and how you write it.

Don’t try to build Authority

Many people have the habit of building authority and trying to depict themselves as high and mighty. But that will get you nowhere.

Your readers don’t want someone like their tweed blazer professors or dull textbooks. They want to read something engaging and friendly.

You can try to share some stories from your experience. It doesn’t matter whether they are sad, or anything else, as long as it matches the subject you are talking about.

Avoid Going Off-Topic

You should understand the difference between sharing and oversharing. While saying something about your life might be useful, going on and on about stuff can be annoying.

Try to keep a good flow of your content and focus it on the overall topic of your post.

Carefully Choose Your Words

The words that you use in your post can make a world of difference. That is why you need to think about your audience and write accordingly.

You can also use many unique and exciting metaphors to add personality. Use kids, sports, or animals to try to paint as vivid a picture as possible.

For instance, as happy as a panda eating an apple.

Categories: How to
James Smith:


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