How to Plan a Divorce in Oklahoma

Families differ. Some are capable of a very mature and amicable divorce, while others have trouble even broaching the matter with their partner. Whatever your marital situation, you will probably appreciate having a breather before plunging into court procedures and paperwork filing.

Here’s our best advice for planning a divorce in Oklahoma.

Why is it important to plan a divorce?

While the legal procedure for divorce only requires spouses to file paperwork and attend court hearings, the divorce process is much more complicated.

Before calling the marriage off, you need to deal with many issues, from child custody and property division to password changes and social media announcements. Divorcing couples must have a solid strategy for splitting their responsibilities, belongings, and whatnot.

Keep in mind that divorce is an emotionally-draining experience. So plan for your emotional health as well.

To address each of these crucial aspects in Oklahoma, we’ve singled out 4 major topics to consider before dropping off a folder full of completed and signed divorce papers at the courthouse.

Financial Considerations

Before you even start mapping out how to approach the divorce, make sure you can afford separation. If making ends meet isn’t possible should you leave the spouse right now, you should consider postponing filing for divorce to prepare more.

  • Decide where to live, how to pay bills, and what to drive.

If you start planning your divorce with such mundane issues as what kind of living arrangements you can afford and what part of your monthly budget will cover grocery bills, you will better understand what steps you need to take. For some, finding a job is Step One, then there is a break before the time comes for Step Two.

  • Consider your financial commitments.

Sometimes spouses initiating divorce think their income is enough for them and their children. However, they forget that their financial commitments can increase after court orders for child support or alimony, or they will have to pay off the other spouse’s portion of the family home, etc.

  • Gather your financial documents.

Before you start filling out the divorce papers, organize all your financial paperwork. You will need your insurance data, a list of your financial assets and liabilities, and financial statements.

  • Make sure you won’t miss your credit payments.

Unlike community property states, Oklahoma doesn’t require spouses to be responsible for each other’s debts. However, do your best to prevent the hustle of the divorce from blindsiding you and causing you to miss payments.

Divorce Considerations with Children

Oklahoma places the primary focus on the child’s best interests. It means that parents can develop any child custody arrangement as long as it provides a stable environment, necessary child care and medical care, and a clear visitation schedule.

Parents lay down their agreement in writing, and the court reviews it. If parents struggle to agree, the court will interfere.

  • Think about how you will explain divorce to your child.

It is wise to plan and decide on ways to help your child cope with the news.

  • Decide on the custody split.

The petitioner must specify who the primary caregiver is and the visitation schedule when completing the divorce forms. Parents can agree to a sole custody arrangement, but the non-custodial parent is entitled to visitation.

  • Attend parenting classes.

According to Oklahoma family law, completing a parenting education seminar is among the requirements for an uncontested divorce.

Completing Divorce Paperwork

Working on the paperwork is part of the preparation stage. If you hire a lawyer to do all the legwork for you, you probably just need to provide them with all your legal documents.

However, applying for divorce without an attorney requires you to get familiar with the divorce process in Oklahoma and consider other possible options.

  • Compile all your marriage documents.

If you have prenuptial or postnuptial agreements, keep them handy as you will need them. You may need to pull up a power of attorney and a will just in case.

  • Consider your divorce options.

If you’re having a contested divorce, hiring a lawyer is inevitable. A lawyer will help you navigate the intricacies of the court system and stay abreast of all the deadlines for filing. The more spouses contest and disagree, the higher the cost of divorce goes.

In case of an uncontested divorce, you can have a more affordable DIY divorce and prepare an application for divorce online using Internet divorce forms generation tools. They help save time and money and make completing the divorce paperwork less stressful.

Do-It-Yourself divorce means that spouses agree on the terms of their dissolution of marriage beforehand and complete and file the paperwork independently.

  • Decide where to file for divorce.

In Oklahoma, either spouse must have lived in the state for six months and in the county of filing for one month. If you have just moved to Oklahoma, consider whether residency requirements are lower in the state where you were married.

If you use online divorce services to complete the paperwork, keep in mind that you can’t file online. Filing for divorce is possible only at the courthouse, where you submit the completed forms to the court’s clerk and pay the filing fees.

Emotional Considerations

Getting a divorce is tough. It’s good to have a safety net – a circle of trusted friends and contact info for a professional therapist – to support you in case of need.

  • Decide where you can get professional help.

It is common for people to think they have it under control only to get emotionally hurt more than they imagined. During a divorce, many sensitive issues can be uncovered. So it’s better to have a marriage therapist contact handy to support your emotional health and prevent your anxiety from spiraling.

  • Use visualization and mantras.

One of the psychological techniques divorcing people can use to adjust their emotions is visualizing their life after divorce. First, it will help you imagine how it will feel to start living separately. Second, visualizing your happiest day or yourself in your favorite spot helps offset negative emotions.

  • Consider mediation.

Sometimes spouses start an amicable divorce and then run into disagreements. Mediation is known for helping divorcing couples save on legal costs without turning their separation into a contested court battle.

You are Ready; You are Enough

Even if you can’t get your dissolution finalized as fast as you would like, all divorces are over sooner or later. Use it as a mantra when you feel overwhelmed by the lengthy procedures. In Oklahoma, there is a mandatory waiting period of three months if a couple has minor children.

Use all the help you can get. Hire a web divorce company, and plan your divorce thoroughly.

Categories: News
James Vines:


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