Hygienic Flooring Solutions For Healthcare Facilities: A Critical Need Post-Pandemic

The commercial flooring in gold coast in a healthcare facility is one of the most significant surfaces and is integral to the environment’s health and safety. This makes selecting the correct flooring a critical decision. 

A seamless floor, for example, allows for a sanitary atmosphere and hospital bed wheels to travel freely within the room. Proper flooring is the first step in constructing a safe, hygienic, and well-designed healthcare facility. 

This article explores more about hygienic flooring solutions for healthcare facilities. So continue reading as we talk more about these solutions in the following sections of the blog. 

Seamless Healthcare Flooring

Even outside healthcare facilities, seamless flooring has been a focus in the last year since it is the most excellent solution for infection control in the aftermath of the epidemic. Sheet vinyl is an excellent choice for a seamless, easy-to-clean, and moisture-resistant flooring installation. The FGI (Facility Guidelines Institute) suggests that places in a hospital, such as operating rooms, have a monolithic or continuous floor. 

These requirements, however, do not require patient rooms to be seamless. It’s still a good idea to think about seamless floors in places like patient rooms, where everyday traffic from patients, visitors, and staff can prevent the patient room from being thoroughly cleaned daily.

High-performance adhesives with high moisture performance

Heavy rolling loads from hospital beds can cause damage to facility floors. These beds transport patients of various sizes throughout the building, and the added tension on the floors might cause additional wear on the hospital’s floors. The floor directly beneath the patient’s bed in the patient’s room is the most problematic, as it is subjected to tremendous, repetitive stress. 

Best practices recommend using high-performance glue beneath bed areas to offer further security in these places. This is not common practice, but it can dramatically extend the longevity of your flooring.

Minimize sheet product seams

A hospital corridor is typically eight feet long. Commercial sheet vinyl from Qepoxy is ordinarily available in a single width of 6’6″ or 2 meters. This conventional product would require a seam offset within the hallway. Designers will frequently place a full-size piece of sheet vinyl along the center of the corridor, with a one-foot border on either side. As a result, two seams are running through the corridor. Sheet vinyl is available in 9′ and 12′ widths; this is a crucial product component when deciding what to use in your space.

Uniform Manufacturer’s coating

Many facilities will have products from various manufacturers with varying maintenance requirements. However, if you employ the same coating across all your flooring products, you can keep maintenance to a minimum throughout your business.

Low-Contrast Healthcare Flooring Options

Low-contrast colors applied beneath a surgical table can aid in the recovery of fallen equipment and objects. This means it’s reasonably color-coordinated and quickly detects anything on the floor. Try to get a uniform/solid effect with chips of similar hues throughout the vinyl. The area beneath the OR bed is also the most vulnerable to harm in the room. Consider painting this area a different color so that replacing one part is more accessible than replacing the entire floor.

Now You Know!

The critical areas of your facility that will see the most traffic from patients and their families are the entryway and waiting rooms. Choosing a long-lasting solution that can withstand heavy foot activity and rolling-load traffic is critical in these places. Easy-to-replace products also help to keep costs down in certain areas. These areas must be non-slip, stain-resistant, and waterproof to avoid injury. 

Categories: Business
James Vines:


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