Sentence Dictation Methodology: The use of oral language in teaching English spelling

An introduction

Many teachers consider spelling to be somewhat outdated. This is a remnant of the grammatical translation method that dominated language education until the last twenty years of the twentieth century. For many, it is boring, disconnected from communication, and often brings back unfortunate memories of difficult lessons. There was also a direct focus on language accuracy.

However, if you think a little about what spelling actually does, you will find that it is a very versatile activity. You will practice listening and writing proficiency first, and then afterwards, you have to practice to excel in a collection of sub-skills and proficiencies from letter structure to spelling, punctuation and formatting. You can practice vocabulary, grammar and claim that the writer is reading when examining his work. In short, he practices almost everything. The only skill missing on this list is speaking, but if you approach spelling a little differently, you can still do that.

Spelling dictation: what exactly is it?

Spelling dictation is an enormous means for providing spelling training and education so that kids can use their spelling proficiencies in “real” apps. Simply, you say a phrase or English dictation sentences that contain your spelling, and students write it down frequently.

Spelling is included in all spelling lessons, as it is a very useful tool.

How can dictation sentences improve your child’s spelling proficiencies?

One of the major nuisances with classic spelling instructions is that children learn words from a spelling list but frequently forget the way to write them in the following weeks. It’s overwhelming. So it is essential to extract the best way to assist them in retaining the new knowledge, which could be possible by using and incorporating it in meaningful ways, such as writing.

But when studying spelling for the first time, it can be difficult to write valuable original English dictation sentences! By directing your child to sentences, you separate the creative process from the spelling process and create a starting point between “write a word on a list” and “write the original phrase.”

Practising Dictation is one of the easiest ways to perk up your English spelling proficiencies. You’ll hear audio clips in English, and your biggest aim is to teach your child to write whatever being said. This will not only help in improving the vocabulary skills rather, but the listening skills of your child will also improve.

Dictation forces you to think about every word you hear and every sound. After listening, notice what you have and check your answers to see comfortably what you misunderstand as I know it.

You’ll also learn new grammatical structures, words, and phrases to reinforce what you already know. Practising dictation will assist you in integrating it into your speech and writing.

Finally, English speech contribution is one of the amazing ways to work with English spelling and writing practice.

5 easy steps for dictation

Step 1: Say a sentence.

Depending on your child’s level, fill in 2-5 sentences or phrases per day, using the words you already teach your child to pronounce. The text is only said once, so let your students focus their attention.

You can find these sentence dictation words based on your child’s level with Clever education software partners.

Clever education software

Step 2: Your child repeats the sentence.

Repeating English dictation sentences and phrases over and over again will help your child keep them in memory in the short term, long enough to write it down.

Step 3: Your child will write a sentence.

Do not correct your child while writing, even if you see the child start spelling it incorrectly. In fact, you should be looking away while typing! This allows him to focus on what he’s doing and “own” the spelling process without feeling seen or judged. After the next step, you’ll have time to correct the spelling.

Step 4: Your child corrects the sentence he just wrote.

At this stage, your baby is reading his handwriting aloud or by himself. At this moment, you are required to make your child learn to do self-correction. You are required to make sure by putting various questions whether your child has written the phrase correctly or he/she has written the capital letters and punctuation correctly.

Step 5: Finally, review the sentence before writing the next sentence.

Now tell your child to review the sentence correctly before moving onto the next sentence. If there is any misspelt word, he has to follow the above steps again to correct the misspelt word.


In general, dictation is a profitable and flexible activity. It can be used to introduce new structures, present the first paragraphs of the text, review vocabulary areas, and provide an overview of reading and listening exercises and practices in different areas. Your child can get pleasure from this if the spelling is vigilantly associated with the rest of the lesson and has an apparent and comprehensible purpose. You can find lots of such spelling sentences at spellquiz.com

Categories: Edu
James Vines:


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