Drinking and driving cause countless accidents around the world every day. Numerous accidents due to this do not include only damages properties but also human lives. A lot of drunk drivers do not just hurt or kill them, but they involve innocent individuals as well. No matter what type of car or road accident you are in if it consists of Drinking Under Influence (DUI), getting an attorney to defend you will be your wisest choice. Expert counsel will help you get through the ordeal and all legal processes you need to go through.
DUI is considered a serious crime and should not be taken lightly as alcohol dramatically influences the body in many ways. It is always good to know the risks of drinking and driving to prevent any accidents and any collision with the law. Remember, your criminal history will stay in your record and could significantly affect your future.
Decreased Vision
Whenever you drink, you can notice that your vision becomes blurry as you consume alcohol. For a lot of people, blurry vision is just the start; eventually, they are unable to control their eye movement too. These vision impairments affect how you see the distance of your car to the road, other vehicles, and objects along your way. You might not be able to see everything, or you can misjudge the distance. As a result, accidents may happen.
Slower Reaction Time
If your body is affected by alcohol, your ability to respond in different situations is slower and hindered. It, therefore, increases the possibility of an accident. Having a slower reaction time may prevent you from stepping on the brakes fast. And as you know, a few seconds delay in stepping on the break may result in dire consequences.
Lack of Coordination
Drinking alcohol does not only affect your vision, but it also has a significant impact on your hand and foot coordination. Without proper coordination, it becomes more difficult to control the wheels. It may cause you to go slower when avoiding obstructions or other vehicles. One common sign to know whether you had too much alcohol is when you have trouble walking. You might not stand straight, or you might sway while walking. In these instances, it is safer not to drive anymore.
Reduced Concentration
You might not give this much thought but alcohol consumption, no matter how much, affects your concentration. And lack of focus, not just because of alcohol is a significant cause of many road accidents. Many drivers do not give their full attention to the road when driving. Having alcohol in your body could further hinder you from monitoring your speed closely, staying in the right lane, and paying attention to traffic and road signals.
Inhibited Judgment
Your judgment plays an important role whenever you make decisions, not just in driving but in other daily activities. If you have an inhibited view due to alcohol, it becomes more difficult to make on the spot decisions. It also lessens your alertness on the road and the condition of your surroundings. Remember, it is imperative to stay alert and awake when driving as there are other motorists on the road.
Consequences Of Drinking Too Much
Moderate and occasional drinking is acceptable since most of the time it cannot be avoided. It is also a form of socialization and having fun with different people in your circle. And we can say there is nothing wrong with drinking if you know your limit and you know how to control yourself. However, if it gets out of hand, different sorts of trouble may come.
Excessive drinking can significantly impact your life and your future too. It does not only bring about problems and stresses, but it may have long-term effects that you might regret soon. There are many times in the past where good and law-abiding citizens get their lives destroyed because of alcohol.
When you are under the influence of alcohol, your mental, emotional and physical state are affected. It means you are not able to function naturally; thus your decision-making and critical senses are not as sharp as how they are supposed to be.
Here are the significant consequences of drinking too much. You may find yourself in one or more or all of these situations if you are not careful with drinking.
Accidents and Personal Injury
As mentioned earlier, when under the influence of alcohol, your senses are altered. Therefore, many drivers get into serious car accidents and incur personal injury not only for themselves but hurt others too. If you are a victim of a car crash because of the other party being intoxicated, you will need to hire the services of R&A MARYLAND ACCIDENT lawyers for you to get both the right justice and claims you deserve.
Health Deterioration
When you drink too much, your body will become reliant on it. And when you try to avoid or stop drinking, you may feel adverse effects called the withdrawal symptoms. When you are in this phase, you may feel a thirst for alcohol. And if you don’t drink, you may have body tremors. You will be shaky everywhere, and it is difficult to do anything steadily. You may also quickly get sick. However, once you are done with the phase, things will get better as long as you continue to stay clean. However, there are also long term effects of drinking heavily. Your liver may face serious consequences such as cancer. You may also have different heart illnesses. Thus, it is better to stop or regularize your drinking as much as possible.
Social Degeneration
When you become a drunkard, there is a huge tendency that your social life will deteriorate. Your social circle may start avoiding you when they see the effects of alcohol on you. On the other side, you may not feel the urge to be with the people you love and enjoy being with. You may feel like staying alone, having your world, and just drinking. If it continues, you might lose many friends and loved ones which you will regret in the end.
Contributor Credits
Mr. Bruce Robinson leads the firm of Robinson and Associates, which he opened over 25 years ago. Following his years of litigation in personal injury, murder, and automobile accidents, he also focuses on serving individuals who have been charged with alcohol-related offenses such as DWI and DUI’s. His firm additionally specializes in representation for personal injury, primarily for serious motor vehicle accident cases.
Mr. Robinson has been practicing law in the state of Maryland for nearly 30 years and received his J.D. from the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore, Maryland. Robinson and Associates now have several locations throughout Maryland Virginia.