If you are a cigar lover, it is important to know the different cigars’ different types with their shapes and sizes. Others are very new to smoking, and the article will help them understand the different varieties in the markets. The below list has everything you will need to know about some of the most common types of cigars.
A Robusto is one of the common cigars on the markets, and it has a format that measures between 4.75 to 5.5 inches and a ring gauge of between 48 and 52. The cigar is the perfect size for smoking when you have time but not feeling like tackling a large format. The robustos cigars are also a better size to select when trying new cigars. This reason is that they will let one experience a blend’s flavor without having the same price tag as the Churchill.
The belicoso is 5.5 inches and a ring gauge of around 52. It is similar in several ways to a Robusto format. The only difference is that the belicosos features a pointed head while a robusto’s head is traditionally rounded. They are suitable for medium smoking sessions, and most smokers always find that tapering of the head makes it have a better feel in one’s mouth.
This cigar type is common, and it measures between 5.25 to 6 inches and a ring gauge of 42 to 44. With their small ring gauge, the corona cigar can be approachable than the robustos. It also allows smokers to experience everything that the tobacco blend offers in terms of complexity and flavor.
This cigar has a long and thin format, and a typical Lonsdale is around 6.5 inches length and a ring gauge of 42. For those looking for a smoke that may take longer than that of the corona, this cigar is the best option.
Panetela & Lanceros
This format is the thinnest among the cigars. A classic panatela has a ring gauge of between 34 and 38. Their lengths will vary but will always be between 5.5 to 7 inches being considered within this type of the format’s gauge. The longer panetelas are mostly smoked because of their complex flavors, and they usually change noticeably when the cigar is being smoked. The term panatela is commonly famous in Europe, but in the United States, you will notice the name Lanceros. The American ones are typically 7 inches and a 38 ring gauge.
This cigar is named after a former British Prime Minister. He was a cigar smoker, and his name was Sir Winston Churchill. It is 7 inches long with 47 ring gauge. There are others with a ring gauge of between 48 to 50. They are perfect for a leisure smoke, and it is actually smoke to reach for after the dinner or when one has ample time to dedicate for the fine cigar.
The format is usually referred to as the belicoso and measures between 6 and 7 inches. It has a ring gauge of around 52 and 54 at its foot. Its pyramid head is more pointed than the belicosos while the taper continues throughout the length of that cigar. Pyramid cigars are a perfect choice for a long smoking session.
This cigar type has a length of 10 inches and a ring gauge of between 60 and 64. It is also the largest of all the common cigar types. The cigars are also great for longer smoking sessions and are mostly used during all-day fishing trips or golf courses.
A Culebra is a format that is generated after twisting together the three panetelas. They form a braid-like format. Some smokers would prefer to smoke all three cigars at once, and one of the common approaches here is unbinding the Culebra. The culebras are relatively rare to find, but they are a perfect option for people looking for something unique.