Motley HQ, Motley Incorporated, this is No Rag Rag Rag. Are you there? Over.
It was 1935 when technologists first started toying with the idea of walkie-talkies. However, the initial walkie-talkies weren’t the type of thing people would carry in their back pockets.
Instead, they were giant radios that needed operators to manage them. By 1945, there were smaller versions available, though they were still used more for military purposes than for consumer markets.
Since then, walkie-talkies have evolved dramatically. Today, they relate more to the small, compact designs you see and carry in your everyday life.
So what’s the history behind these devices? Read on to find out.
The Invention of the Walkie-Talkie
In the early 1930s, two-way radios were in their infancy. Motorola was one of the first companies to explore this new technology and soon saw the potential for it to revolutionize communication.
The company was the first mass-produced portable two-way radios, which they called the “walkie-talkie.” The walkie-talkie was first used by the military during World War II, where it proved to be an invaluable tool for coordination and communication on the battlefield.
Why are we not surprised that Motorola led the way? That this brand was also at the forefront of the cellphone movement is probably why. Here’s more on Motorola mobile radios for your curiosity.
Commercial Use of the Walkie-Talkie
The history of 2-way radios is a long and complicated one, but their commercial use began in the early 1930s. These devices had been used for military purposes since World War I, but it wasn’t until 1933 that the first civilian two-way radio was patented.
This new radio was small enough to be portable, and it soon became popular with businesses and police forces. In the early 1940s, the first walkie-talkie was created for use in the military.
These devices were large and heavy, but they allowed soldiers to communicate with each other over long distances. After the war, walkie-talkies became smaller and more portable, and they were increasingly used by civilians for recreation and work.
Today, walkie-talkies are an essential tool for many businesses and emergency responders. If you see drones flying in the air, there’s a good chance you’ll see people on walkie-talkies tracking them for safety.
They are also popular with hobbyists and outdoor enthusiasts.
The Future of Walkie-Talkies
With the advancement of technology, it is no surprise that the future of walkie-talkies is looking very bright. Some of the newest and most innovative features that are being developed for walkie-talkies include GPS tracking, two-way audio, and even the ability to send and receive text messages.
With these new additions, it is easy to see how walkie talkies will continue to be a useful and popular tool for both businesses and individuals.
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