The Ultimate Guide to Private Podcasting

Learning how to start a private podcast can be tricky without proper orientation. It is generally agreed that podcasting helps share information with a defined audience on an engaging platform. 

But how do you set up one as a business owner or premium content creator? That is what this ultimate guide to private podcasting explains. Here’s a link to a comprehensive platform for launching an internal podcast – https://www.podbean.com/enterprise/solutions/private-podcast

What are private podcasts?

Private podcasts are recorded content not made available to the general public. They are not listed online, and access is strictly based on distributing secured RSS feeds to intended listeners. 

Therefore, private podcasts are mostly used by premium content creators or business teams for internal communications. The following sections explain the benefits of private podcasting, how to start a podcast and common challenges.

What are the benefits of private podcasting?

The reasons to start a podcast are many and depend on the specific implementation plan for your recorded content. Here are our top 5 benefits of private podcasting. 

Improved brand awareness

One advantage of private podcasting is how it promotes your brand to a larger audience. It serves as a platform to offer valuable insights to a target audience with similar interests. 

Your audience gradually listens to your recorded content and trusts your brand. The result? You enjoy increased authority and credibility among top competitors. 

Podcast monetization

The possibility of making money from podcasts is another essential benefit of podcasting in general and private podcasting as well. Earn from your recorded episodes when you sell sponsored ads slots, include affiliate podcast marketing links and sell repurposed content.  

You can also offer premium episodes, paid live podcast shows, and accept donations.  But remember that podcast monetization is easier when you grow your subscribers, or listeners count. 

Cost-effective marketing

Private podcasting is immensely beneficial when comparing advertisement costs to similar traditional methods. Another benefit of private podcasting from the cost-effective approach is how the campaigns are targeted to qualified prospects. The chances of sales conversion are much higher. 


Get the chance to establish strong business connections when you run a private podcast. It is an avenue to host guest interviews with selected industry experts, where you learn from them and gain new subscribers. 

Besides, you can join podcast networks and collaborate with other growing podcasters. Bigger businesses will also enjoy the networking benefits of private podcasting via sponsorship requests or invites to speak on other shows.

Internal communications

Utilize private podcasting for your internal team communications for more engaging, direct and effective dissemination of information. Your employees also enjoy the convenience of listening to the recorded internal company podcast while multitasking. 

Furthermore, podcasting for employees retains confidentiality of internal team updates since the recorded content is uploaded on private and secured RSS feeds. You grant access to these feeds by emailing the media link and using password-protected URLs. 

How to start a private podcast

Learn how to create a private podcast using the steps outlined below. We have tried to make it as straightforward as possible. 

Plan and organize your ideas

Do you have a favorite podcast show? Ask what makes the show unique, and you will discover it is the quality, format and style of its episodes. 

That is why planning is essential. Plan your corporate podcast ideas by considering private podcasting topics you can conveniently discuss over the coming weeks. You should also draft a target audience persona and ensure your content relates to them. 

Choose a hosting platform

Many podcasters often overlook the significance of their choice of hosting platform and wrongly assume all podcasting websites are the same. However, that is not true, as podcast hosting platforms serve similar purposes but differ in fundamental features like storage capacity, website integrations, budget and tech support options. Ensure your hosting platform provides what you need. 

Record and edit your content

Your private podcasting ideas are not presentable until you purchase good recording equipment and set up a sizable podcasting space. 

The next step is to record the podcast. But first, write out an outline of the content points. It helps avoid irrelevant talks or deviation from the podcast topic. Edit each of your episodes or hire someone to do it for you. It helps create a more professional presentation. 

Upload and promote the podcast

After recording your private podcast, what follows is uploading it for listeners to download. However, the podcast is “private”, meaning you must send the RSS links to selected listeners, employees or subscribers. 

You should also consider podcast promotion by joining a podcast network to reach more subscribers and an active audience. 

The challenges of private podcasting

Now that you’ve learned how to start a podcast and the benefits of private podcasting understand that there are a few possible challenges. 

Procrastination and fear of failure

It is common to see people learn how to start a private podcast but still struggle to launch the first one. Why? The primary reason is procrastination.

Our recommended solution is to draft your ideas on paper. What are the podcast topics, target listener persona, and points to discuss in the first episode? Put them down in writing! It keeps you accountable and makes the podcasting process simpler. 

Understanding the technical aspects

While private podcasts are not unduly technical, many new podcasters need help preventing sound glitches and navigating their hosting site. 

The solution is buying quality recording equipment and setting up ample recording space. You must also carefully select the hosting platform and confirm it has friendly support options. It may even be worth it to hire someone or team up with someone who can handle that for you. 

Maintaining creativity

Another challenge of private podcasting is continuously having engaging ideas to record. What do you do when it seems you are running out of content? The first tip is to read. Read books within your niche and change your podcast format to more engaging methods like panel show episodes.

Growing your audience

Many podcast hosts complain about a limited audience as part of their challenges with private podcasting. 

Podcasts do grow slowly, however you will eventually see some growth if you have learned how to start a podcast with quality content and consistency in release dates. You must also ensure the recorded content relates to the customers. 


That is all you need to start private podcasting for your business or personal content. This ultimate guide already explained the benefits of private podcasting and how to create one. 

We also listed the common challenges experienced among new podcasters. Anyone can start a podcast, but it requires adequate planning. 

Categories: Business


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