What Is Drunk Driving Accident?

It occurs when an individual’s ability to operate a vehicle safely is impaired due to the consumption of alcohol beyond the legal limit or the use of illicit substances. Drunk driving poses significant risks to drivers, passengers, and other road users, impairing judgment, coordination, and reaction time.

Drunk driving is also called DUI (Drinking Under the Influence); even when you have had a few drinks, it is advisable not to be behind the steering wheel to be safe. Contact Delventhal Law Office to speak to a lawyer if you are involved in a DUI case.

What are the dangers of driving under the influence?

Being under the influence of alcohol affects an individual’s coordination and the ability to make decisions. Drunk drivers endanger not only themselves while behind the steering wheel but also everyone else driving on the road. It is important to be wise and take a cab home instead during these moments.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that about 32 people die daily because of drunk Driving in the US. And there are about 300,000 cases of DUI every day in the US. Drunk driving is extremely prevalent in the US, and many of the cases include fatalities.

What are the consequences of drinking and driving?

DUI is a crime because it can cause serious accidents, resulting in paralysis, brain damage, and even death. Drunk drivers can be fined or lose their license if they are involved in an accident. Some other forms of punishment are:

  • Jail time
  • Alcohol abuse evaluations
  • Confiscating of vehicle license
  • IID restrictions

DUI ending up in death or serious harm could also put an emotional burden on the driver at fault, and they could live with the guilt of the incident forever. Drink driving can destroy families, so it is essential to be mindful of your actions. Always ask a friend to drop you home or book a cab on the days you decide to have a few drinks because being safe is way better than being sorry.

Sometimes, you may not seem visibly drunk, but that does not mean you are safe to drive. The legal limit of BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) is under 0.08, and if it exceeds the legal limit, you are considered drunk driving. If you think you may be going through an alcohol problem, you can call for help.

Contact a personal injury lawyer if you are ever involved in a drunk and driving case.

Categories: Law
James Vines:


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