Nothing good comes out from a bad decision, that is why when it comes to serious topics like family law and divorce, getting proper legal advice is deemed necessary. With more couples getting locked down together inside a home, issues and separation triggers arise. More divorce and dissolution cases appear at courts, but because of the pandemic, the court system limits their service and focuses on only priority cases. During this crucial time, seeking the help of professionals is one of the best ways couples can do.
When a Professional Advice Is Needed
When you and your ex-partner find a way to sort out your finances and other issues, then you do not need to consult with any solicitor or professional. However, if you think you need guidance and external help in coming up with a resolution, you may seek legal advice from the professionals. A one-time meeting with either a solicitor or a mediator can guide you towards the right decision.
You should know that different professional advisers can help you in varied ways, and each of their services costs differently. In case you need external guidance, here are your options and what you need to know about them:
The Mediator
If you and your partner need assistance when coming up with your resolution, you can ask for a mediator’s counselling perth. Do not expect a mediator to choose a side or give you advice. The mediator will not decide your outcome either. Instead, they will help each party understand the underlying issues between you that you need to resolve. They are trained professionals that can only assist the couple until they find a workable solution.
Usually, an assessment happens before the mediator takes any case. In England or Wales, they require couples to undergo a one-time mediation to gauge whether it is the right program for them. They call it the Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting.
Most of the time, a couple with the following issues are not for mediation:
- Not knowing who should look after the children
- Not knowing how to divide the money
- There has been domestic violence in the relationship
- A partner is controlling or intimidating
It is also important to note that mediation sessions are all confidential. Anything the party has said during the mediation cannot be used against them by any solicitor in court.
The Solicitor
If you want to know your legal rights before attending any sessions with a mediator, the solicitor can help you. They are the experts that can provide you with legal advice and support. They have their field expertise, and they work directly with their clients.
When it comes to divorce, here are the ways the solicitor can assist you:
- Give you independent legal advice
- Formalise what you and your partner agreed on through an authorised agreement
- Work on the divorce or dissolution forms and paperwork
- Negotiate with your partner’s solicitor or the court, on your behalf
The Collaborative Family Lawyer
The Collaborative Family Lawyer is also a solicitor, but they are specially trained for divorce or family law. They can help you find a final agreement through a series of face-to-face and sensible meetings with your ex-partner. During these four-way meetings, the team invites professionals, such as child consultants, financial planners, accountants, and sometimes mediators to talk about their expertise.
Working with a collaborative family lawyer for a divorce settlement is more beneficial in the following ways:
- Collaborative family lawyers are more involved in all the negotiations happening between the couple, that is why most couples often feel more positive about an agreement reached with collaborative family lawyers
- They can work with pension specialists and family lawyers if needed
The arrangement also has its downsides:
- Collaborative family lawyers would work best if the ex-couple live near each other
- If the collaborative family lawyers still failed to work an agreement for the couple and the couple decide to take everything to court, they will need to hire a new set of solicitors to represent them which would incur an additional cost
Many professionals are willing to help you and your ex-partner come up with a practical solution that both of you can benefit from. You only have to determine the right kind of assistance you two need to come up with a resolution. Now that you know the primary difference among the three professional help for divorce, it will help you gauge the right service for your needs.
We are here to help. For divorce assistance, either in mediation or collaborative family law, the Wilson Browne Solicitors is here to serve you. We are award-winning specialists in family law, divorce, and mediation with years of experience in the field. Contact us today to know more about the services we offer.