Finding a new home is not easy. It takes countless hours of research and even more hours of house tours. After many appointments with loads of real estate agents, you might still find it difficult to find the perfect place you can proudly call home. House hunting requires patience, perseverance, and, most importantly, basic knowledge of the real estate market to get the perfect deal. These days it has become relatively easier to source real estate, and people are even buying houses online, but it is still important to physically inspect the property before purchase. Consider hiring the Couch Doctor in NYC to ensure your furniture fits perfectly in your new space.
After finally settling for one place, you are most likely to feel relieved and be energetic about moving in fast. The bitter pill here though is that the moving process might turn out to be even more stressful than house hunting. Moving has often proved to be a mammoth task in most instances, and, although it has no solid formula, planning can do a lot in making it a lot easier. Making sure everything is in order before, during, and after the move is easier said than done as many things can turn out to be not as advertised or expected.
When moving to new properties, chances are you will encounter very few problems compared to those moving into pre-owned properties. The reality is that finally settling on a home will require some compromises, especially when it comes to things that can be fixed. If the price is right, and the problems are ‘fixable’, go for it! However, always attend to those issues before moving in to avoid inconveniences. Let’s take a quick look at key problems that you should fix before moving in if you want your first day in your new home to be as perfect as you pictured it.
Fix faulty windows
Faulty windows can be a really big problem, especially during the winter season. Windows need to be perfect, and it’s a good idea to replace the faulty windows with new ones if you can afford it. Faulty windows will affect the indoor temperature of any home, and this will have a serious impact on your comfort, heating bill, and even the condition of your property. It is advisable to change windows before moving. The old faulty windows are also likely to put you at a higher risk of burglaries so, just to be safe, get new ones.
Ensure that the structural problems are fixed
Structural problems should be fixed as soon as possible to prevent progressive damage and any associated risks to the inhabitants. If left unattended, they can easily compromise your comfort and even lead to serious cost consequences. These problems may include roof damages, faulty electricity, and lousy plumbing. These issues are important and should be fixed before you move into the house since they directly affect the quality of life inside the house.
Pest control
This is one of the most important things that have to be fixed before you move into a new house. Houses that have not been occupied for some time are most likely to have some pests like rats taking refuge inside. Pests are the last thing you would want in a new house. The best thing you can do before moving into the new house is to hire pest control services to ensure that the house has no pest infestation. If there are pests, make sure the entire house is fumigated and disinfected before moving, in case you might be allergic to some of the chemicals (many people are).
Get professionals to clean the house
Houses that previously had owners are most likely to have a certain smell to it, that smell, which only visitors or new inhabitants can pick up, as well as a lot of dirt and grime. Even though it might seem clean when you inspect it, it is advisable to get professionals to clean it up. Real estate agents, however, often take care of this before placing the house on the market, but you can never be sure how thorough the cleaning process was. Professionals will clean the carpets, air ducts, and all other areas that often get overlooked. Hiring professionals will also help you get rid of any unpleasant smells that are in the house.
Connect your internet
Spending the first weeks in a new area without internet access is the worst thing. You would hate the experience, and it will dampen the whole mood. It can also affect your work and other important activities like online schooling. Connecting your internet will help you to explore the area better and find your way around without much trouble.
Make the place comfortable for pets and children
If you have pets or children, the house will most likely need certain adjustments to make it safe. Things like carpets and sharp glasses would need to be fixed before your move into the new house. You might also need to make sure that your pets will have comfortable space once you move in. Disturbing your pet’s routine is the last thing you want.
Make sure you have spare keys
Getting spare keys beforehand is important. If you or any family member gets locked out, it’s much more difficult and very uncomfortable to wait next door since the neighborhood is new, and you probably don’t know who’s friendly and who’s not, or which characters to avoid. Getting spare keys in advance is also much cheaper. Once you’re locked out, the locksmith will probably hike the price and add rush fees.
Without these essential fixes, your new home can be quite the house of horrors. That’s why it’s always a great idea to get a head start and deal with any issues in advance. Take your time, however, and fix each problem thoroughly before moving to the next to avoid problem recurrence. Good luck!