Why Did FDA Willing To Ban Kratom

Kratom is known for its medicinal use in a lot of health conditions such as chronic pains and stress. It is a natural evergreen herb and grows widely in several countries of the world. It has been in popular public practice for centuries but it is now prohibited in many countries by FDA as well their local governments due to the potential health risks involved with the regular use of this drug. The drug is banned and is announced illegal for use in the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Finland
  • Israel
  • Denmark
  • Malaysia
  • Poland
  • Myanmar
  • Thailand
  • Romania
  • South Korea
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom

Now the question arises, that when 30% of US population is proven to be on some herbal remedy by a recent study done in 2017, why one of the most commonly used and grown natural herb is banned. Many governments has passed Kratom Acts which were due to a sudden rise in its use. The risks and concerns associated with abuse of the drug started humiliating a large percentage of population. Therefore, as a need of hour, the sensible decision of making its use illegal was made. The researchers say that it slow poisons the body of the user as it weakens the body systems gradually. This is actually due to some very disastrous effects this herb can lead to. Some of them are enlisted below.

Short term negative effects of Kratom:

Some of the acute health impacts of Kratom are:

  1. The user’s body starts to experience inactive bowel movements, and the digestive system starts being damaged slowly due to consistent constipation.
  2. Due to the messed up digestion, the user may experience, nausea and a loss of appetite.
  3. The regular intake can cause dehydration in the body and the users may have a dry mouth as a result.
  4. It can cause changes in the general metabolism of the body and can cause an unusual change in urine color and composition.
  5. It can cause muscle pain and tension.
  6. The user can experience delusions, confusion and hallucinations.
  7. It can also cause chills, vomiting and symptoms of common cold.
  8. A sudden rise and drop in body energy levels.

Long term negative effects of Kratom:

Some of the very common long term risks related to Kratom use are:

  1. The regular users of Kratom can lose the urge of having proper meals and resultantly they experience weight loss.
  2. The body of Kretom users can have an affected blood pressure levels and they can have a chronic Hypotension or hypertension developed in the body.
  3. Some of the biochemical compounds and irritating chemical constituents of Kretom can also cause a disturbance in Synaptic proceedings and neurotoxicity.
  4. The elevated heart rate and an inadequate energy supply to the heart can result in Tachycardia and myocardial infraction.
  5. The unusual increase in blood glucose levels can put an extra pressure of purifying activity of the kidneys i.e. our natural filters. As a result, patients may suffer from kidney failure.
  6. The digestion problems get worse and the detoxification is not done properly. The fluids and the enzymes produced by the liver are not synthesized properly. Damage of liver metabolism occurs and a complete organ failure can also happen.
  7. There are observed cases in which a notable percentage of long term Kratom users experience Seizure attacks.
  8. Loss of tolerance is greatly observed in the users.
  9. The herb is totally addictive in nature. The body gets totally dose dependent on Kretom and the user becomes unable even to perform daily activities without the regular intake.
  10. The darkening of skin and itchiness can occur.

Some of the users also suffer from hair loss.

Categories: Health
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