Gabion walls have several functions. They can be used as retaining walls in landscape designs. They can also be used as decorative walls. They can be used as walls for seating. They have other uses as well. Sliding walls are also a good design for your interior that looks great in your home.
What Exactly Is A Gabion Wall?
Gabion is a word that stems from the Italian word that means “cage,” which means that a gabion wall is a wire container that can hold inorganic materials.
Gabion walls are ideal for protecting shorelines from damage due to erosion.
The idea of gabion walls is old. Da Vinci used them in building a foundation for a castle in Milan.
Why Use Gabion Walls?
They are economical. They require little maintenance. They’re easy to install. They last a long time. They can be set up quickly.
How much the wall costs depends on what type of wire is being used and what kind of fill material is to be used.
Rocks that are angular provide the best fill because they can interlock. They can therefore constitute a unit that doesn’t move.
If you want to use river rock, which is not so angular, you should use wire that has a heavy gauge.
Even unskilled workers can learn to erect the wire baskets, fill them, and close them properly.
Gabions can be laid in water. That makes it unnecessary to drain a site or build a cofferdam.
The weight of a gabion wall makes it unnecessary to make a foundation for gabion walls.
How Long Will A Gabion Wall Last?
That depends on the type of wire being used and how much salt spray it gets exposed to. That said, one should expect a gabion wall to last anywhere from 50 to 100 years.
Gabion Walls Don’t Require A Drainage System
These walls are very permeable. Hydrostatic pressure is not a concern because gabion walls bleed off that kind of pressure.
Gabion Walls Are Flexible.
These walls tend to move with the earth. They are not like concrete walls because they’re flexible. This means they aren’t as likely to break down. They’re not as susceptible to cracking or collapsing as a result of internal stress.
Gabion Walls Can Be Made In Hundreds Of Sizes. This allows for stepped foundations.
A gabion wall is ideal if you need to consider changes in the grade. Gabion walls come in increments that allow people to make stepped foundations of even a few inches difference in heights.
A Small Gabion Wall Is Easy To Fill
A small gabion wall can be part of a larger gabion wall when you build the larger wall out of smaller walls. A small gabion wall is easier to build because it’s possible to reach the bottom of the wall. This can be a huge benefit when you’re trying to place the rocks.
You Can Customize When You Use A Gabion Wall
If you want a big gabion wall, you don’t have to accomplish this objective by using a huge basket. You can use combinations of different sized, smaller baskets to achieve the desired goal.
You can reduce bulging by using smaller gabion walls stacked one over the other and side by side. Doing this results in a center support that goes through the middle of the wall. This eliminated the risk that the wall will start to bulge. Larger baskets increase the risk of bulging because there is less mesh to support them.
There are many reasons to use gabion walls. They’re easy to make. They’re inexpensive. Even unskilled laborers can make a gabion wall. They’re decorative and they can be used as strong retaining walls.