Your Guide to the Best Colored Contact Lenses

Eye color is something that truly does demonstrate the uniqueness of humanity.  Obviously, there is the genetic component to them – certain colors are passed down recessively or dominantly in ways that are simply fascinating to learn about.  However, today, I am going to be discussing some of the ways that people alter those hues.

As you have probably already parsed out based on the title of today’s article, my main focus is going to be on contact lenses.  There are several different types of them, though, and each can serve a different purpose.  So, that is just something to keep in mind as we proceed, of course.

To get an idea of what to watch out for when you select yours, stick around!  I will be discussing it in great detail, as well as covering what you may want to look for in terms of color changing ones and prescription ones.  We have a lot of ground to tread, so let us get right to it!

What are Contact Lenses?

Naturally, it is a bit difficult to cover this topic without first delving into what they are.  You can find some information on them here, https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/healthy-vision/contact-lenses, although I will note that this page largely covers the ones that are necessary for sight.  I still find the information to be valuable considering some pigmented lenses are prescription, and their actual chemical make-up is fairly similar.

No matter the purpose they serve, they are a small lens that fits over the cornea.  There are two main types in terms of durability, and these are “hard” and “soft.”  While the latter are more common, they are more likely to tear.  Hard ones are more durable of course but they are less comfortable and require more maintenance.

For wear time, there are two varieties once again: daily wear or extended wear.  The main difference here is whether or not you can sleep with them in overnight.  Naturally, with the daily wear ones, it is not recommended that you leave them on when you sleep.  The other kind you can keep in for up to thirty days, but you do risk developing eye infections more regularly.

Finally, we can discuss the differences between the prescription ones and the colored ones.  The former are intended to serve as a replacement or substitute for glasses, while the latter change the hue of your eyes.  Just remember that the colored ones can end up serving as both if you order them that way!

Benefits of Contact Lenses

These will apply both the to vision-enhancing and colored ones, just as a quick disclaimer.  If you are wondering why people opt for them over glasses, there are of course a few things that we can point to.  Perhaps the most important one for those of us out there such as myself who are nearsighted is the fact that contacts allow for a greater level of peripheral vision.  That is one of the biggest downsides of glasses.

When choosing them, though, I think that the added flexibility in terms of colors and the shapes can really put contacts over the edge as well.  For example, you could check out misakicon.com – best contact lenses online as one of the many retailers who offer them.  All of the various styles are certainly appealing.

There is also the fact that they allow us to demonstrate our creativity in ways that we may not have been able to before.  Let me explain.  When you are thinking about ways that humans can express themselves, what comes to mind?

Perhaps you think of clothing, makeup, or even hairstyles.  What colored contacts offer is a way to enhance all of that expression by shifting your eye color as well.  Manifesting in blues, greens, browns, or some of the more “adventurous” pigments such as red, purple, or black, you can find anything to suit the look that you are going for.

Finally, the sheer convenience of them is hard to understate.  Caring for them is not overly challenging so long as you have the proper lens solutions and can store them in a safe spot.  There are cases available to keep them in, if you are not sure how to go about that.

Are there Risks?

I would not be doing my due diligence today if I did not also mention some of the risks that can come with wearing contacts, although I still believe them to be worth any of these potentials.  Mainly, there is going to be some concern in regard to getting eye infections.  However, I do think it is critical to note that most of these occur because of poorly or improperly cleaned lenses.

While I am usually loathe to blame things on user error, when it comes to these, that is going to be a certain component here.  Once again, it is going to be very important to wash your contacts in the proper cleaning solution and not to wear them overnight unless they are the long wear variety.  Daily contacts should never be worn to bed.

Something else that I would like to highlight is the fact that sometimes, there will be side effects for wearing them.  For me, I usually know that it is time to take them out when I start to develop a pounding headache.  Additionally, if your eyes feel dry or tingly, you should probably switch to your glasses or your natural eye color.

All of this being said, I truly do believe that they are worth all of the risks involved.  When they are maintained properly and kept clean, your risk of developing an eye infection is seriously mitigated.  Besides that, though, the benefits that they offer seem to far outweigh those concerns.

For anyone who has found this enlightening, I hope that you enjoyed this article!  Best of luck when you are selecting yours, and do not be afraid to get experimental with your color selections if you want!

Categories: Fashion
James Vines:


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