4 Photoshop Tips for Beginners

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Did you know that more than 80% of people in the United States surveyed that they edit their photos before posting them?

Photo editing has become a common practice for photographers, professionals, and online influencers.

If you want to post impressive photos that make an impact, Photoshop tools can help.

Continue reading to discover some of the best Photoshop tips that will make your snaps stand out!

1. Add a Password

One of the best Photoshop tips gives you more control over your work.

Adding a password to PDF image files can prevent people from taking your designs or photos. It’s also common to add passwords to photograph files when creating demos or customized albums for clients. The password offers a few levels of protection that can allow people to open, print, and edit photos.

If you set up your passwords correctly, you will know that clients paid for the work before receiving it.

2. Compress Your Images

If you need to resize images for the web, Photoshop can help.

There is a feature on Photoshop that can help you get smaller images, without sacrificing their quality. Often, when people compress photos, the details aren’t as accurate and the photo becomes pixelated.

Depending on the original photo, you can compress it by up to 80%. You must open the image, and select Export under the File tab. After you open the tab, you can select Save for web, under Legacy.

3. Take Advantage of Auto Tools

Photoshop has a powerful editing tool that can improve your photographs instantly.

The auto color enhancing feature will balance the saturation, contrast, and white balance on photos. This is a great tool for beginners since you can view the settings afterward to start understanding what each setting does.

You should read this resource on photoshop tools to learn about all of the features you can use. Many shortcuts can enhance your photograph without having to customize each setting.

If you want to make minor adjustments, you can while keeping the rest of the auto settings on.

4. Switch Units of Measurement

Some photographers work with a variety of measurements when editing their photos.

If you want to switch units, press Ctrl+R. Once you place your cursor on the ruler, you can right-click and select your preferred unit of measurement. The benefit of this feature is to have more control over the settings and it also creates a grid.

Common units in Photoshop include pixels, points, millimeters, and percentages. You can use these different units to balance your photos and put them at the best angle.

Try These Photoshop Tips & Watch Your Likes Grow

Using these Photoshop tips can get more views on your photos and videos.

Untouched photos are a thing of the past, especially now that you can manipulate lighting, structure, and contrast.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and try a unique editing method that will match your online aesthetics.

If you want to learn more about editing photos and posting the best content, check out our site for the latest info!

Categories: Fashion Lifestyle
James Vines:


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