Superman has been there for more than a millennia now. He is the most iconic comic book superhero of all time and is also behind the success of the DC Comic Franchise. Superman was created by artist Joe Shuster and writer Jerry Siegel. Superman first appeared in the comic book Action Comics #1 in April 1938. Almost everyone in the entire world knows about the iconic Superman and his signature “S” symbol and it is one of the most patriotic symbols in America. Superman also is known as the big guy and the leader of the Justice League has made his mark as a living embodiment of morality, truth, and justice. Superman goes by the alias Clark Kent and works at a new agency as a journalist in the “Daily Planet”. Superman is basically an alien that came to earth in a space pod from the planet Krypton upon its destruction. He is also known as the “Last Son of Krypton” and the “Man Of Steel”. After the arrival of the superman, he was a baby and was adopted by a farmer and his wife in Smallville. Here are some facts about the Leader of the Justice League, The last son of Krypton,– Superman:
His Disguise:
Probably, the weirdest fact about Superman is his disguise. The Man of Steel never wears a mask and almost every one wonders how he roams around and yet no one recognized him. Not even Lois Lane, His love interest. It is explained in Superman #330 because he wears special glasses infused with Kryptonite Glass which allows no one to recognize him.
His adult film:
In Action Comics #593 (1987), the righteous Superman was once tricked into an adult film with Big Barda. However, the man of steel resisted the magic because he is just “too pure”.
Lex Luthor blames Superman for his skinhead:
Lex Luthor is no doubt the arch-nemesis of Man of Steel. He has one goal that is to kill the Last Son of Krypton and he has gone to several heights in order to achieve his utmost goal. Lex Luthor hates Superman so much that he even blames Superman for his bald head. In the original Superman stories, it is shown that Lex Luthor used to idolize Superman so much that he even work to find a cure for Superman’s only weakness the Kryptonite. However, an accident occurred in his lab, and a fire broke out. Even tho, Lex was saved by superman but he out of reaction, it caused him to go bald. Hence, Lex swears vengeance again the Last Son of Krypton.
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Mini Superman:
In Superman #125, the big guy discovers a small spaceship while saving Metropolis and the ship explodes and grants him the power to shoot a small version of himself from his hands. However, that little version drains all the Man of Steel’s powers which makes superman useless. This little version sacrifices himself to save the Last son of Krypton.
Pink Kryptonite:
The Man of Steel’s only weakness is a glowing rock known as the Kryptonite. Krypton emits different colors which harm Superman differently. There is a green-colored Krypton that temporarily weakens superman. There is a Red Kryptonite which also weakens the Man of Steel but also brings out the violent mood swings in him, then there is blue kryptonite, which only weakens Bizarro Superman. However, the pink kryptonite is the weirdest of all as it brings out the homosexuality in the Man of Steel.