5 Reasons to Get Breast Implants

If you get breast implants, you may find yourself dealing with looks and gossip about how it’s strictly a cosmetic procedure. (Usually from those who never have to think about having it done!)

While it’s certainly true that cosmetic needs drive much of the process, it’s likely not as much as you’re thinking. In fact, the cosmetic reason sits at around 60 percent.

The inverse of that means four in 10 women are having to do a breast implant for a medical reason. But whether the reason is medical or cosmetic, there are plenty of reasons to consider having them done. In this article, we look at the five biggest.

1. Improve Symmetry

On the cosmetic side of things, breast implants can be a good option for women hoping to attain more symmetry in their breasts. Mother Nature doesn’t always (or even typically) take care of that for us.

It can lead to a great deal of self-consciousness when wearing a bra or sharing intimate moments with a partner. Breast augmentation can set this right.

2. Boost Confidence

Let’s take the theme of self-consciousness one step further. Women can struggle with the look and shape of their breasts in ways that go beyond symmetry.

Some are self-conscious because their breasts are too small while others can feel unease because they are too large. Women with breast sizes of D and beyond looking for bras know exactly what we are talking about.

Whatever the issues, it challenges how you see yourself when you look in the mirror. That can affect every aspect of a woman’s life.

3. Address Discomfort

Back pain is a common issue for women with large breasts. This can lead to a number of back issues that affect posture, exercise, or even sitting sedentary at a desk. You no longer have to simply live with the physical discomfort when a simple operation will fix the problem.

Women also experience growth in their breasts after pregnancy. When this occurs, some women feel more comfortable having implants to ease the discomfort.

4. Do It for Critical Health Reasons

Each year, there are more than 200,000 cases of breast cancer. In many of these cases, partial or full removal of the breast (called a “mastectomy”) can be necessary to save the life of the patient.

Women who undergo a mastectomy can understandably become self-conscious about the look of their breasts due to unfair societal pressures. Or, they simply want a look they find attractive to lift their spirits. In either case, getting breast implants can be a lifesaver in how it helps the woman reclaim ownership of herself.

5. Your Body, Your Choice

The final reason to see a breast implant surgeon? As breast augmentation by Allure Plastic Surgery points out, you simply don’t need a reason at all.

It’s your body and choice. You don’t owe society or partners or family members any explanation. And that could be the best reason of all!

So Why Should You Get Breast Implants?

As you can see, there are many great reasons to get breast implants. Personal choice, health reasons, a self-esteem booster – whatever your motivation is, do it for you!

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Categories: Health
Jhon Dareen:


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