There are different health claims regarding alkaline water. Some people say that it can regulate the pH level of your body, slows down the process of aging, and prevent various chronic illnesses, for instance, cancer.
But, what alkaline water exactly is, and what are its health benefits.
What is alkaline water?
Alkaline water, in simple words, is opposite to acidic water.The “alkaline”refers to its pH level. It is a number that indicates how alkaline or acidic a substance ison the scale of 0 to 14. For instance, a substance with a pH of 1 will be acidic and a substance with a pH of 12 would be alkaline.
The pH level of alkaline water is higher than plain water.Due to this, some supporters of alkaline water consider that it can neutralize the acid in the human body. Plain water has 7 pH i.e. a neutral pH.In contrast, alkaline water has a pH of 8 or 9. Still, the only pH is not sufficient to provide significant alkalinity to water.
Alkaline water also has negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and alkaline minerals. ORP is the water’s ability to serve as a pro- or antioxidant. The water will have more anti-oxidizingcapability when it has more ORP value.
Health Benefits of Alkaline water
Bone Strengthening
Initial studies about alkaline water have shown that this water with added sodium bicarbonate can reduce the amount of indicators of bone breakdown. Some alkaline water also hashigh calcium, chlorine or silica concentrations, both are good for bone health.
However, advanced studies are required to prove these claims.Presently, due toinadequateproof, the USFDA rejects the businesses’right to claim the advantages of alkaline water for bone health.
Improved Hydration
In contrast to plain water, alkaline water has super hydrating qualities. It can be a useful drink for individuals who work out daily and need more water in their bodies. In scientific terms, the molecules of water in alkaline water are small in size and readily absorbed in body cells which greatly helps rehydrate your body quickly.
Studies published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition reports that alkaline water has enhanced hydrating impact through blood viscosity as compared to plain water. The viscosity of blood is the level of hydration being measured.
When the blood viscosity is low, the hydration level of your body would be higher. In the study, half participants were given alkaline water and regular water to another half of the participants, after their workout. The blood viscosity of those who used alkaline water reduced to almost 6.30% in contrast to a 3.36%reduction for those who consumed plain water.
Acid reflux
Acid reflux is an illness where the acidic content of the stomach moves back to the food pipe. When this condition persists for a long time, it can cause severe damage and leads to an illness called gastroesophageal reflux.
Research published in Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology Journal indicates that drinking alkaline water may worth study further as a supplement to treat conditions like acid reflux illness. The study found that alkaline water with a pH of 8.8prevents the production of an enzyme that is responsible for reflux disorder.It also seems to diminish the acidic content of the stomach.