Ayden Hector – Easy Exercises Which You Can Do During Lockdown

During this current quarantine there have been a number of challenges which we have all had to get through and one of those has been staying healthy. This was a huge problem for many because of the fact that we were no longer burning the calories during the day that we once would have. Despite this being a slight challenge, the reality is that we can all do something to keep in shape and to continue to burn the calories which we would have done during our daily lives previously, the key is simply to ensure that we do them.

Fitness experts like Ayden Hector have been very outspoken about how simple it is to stay in shape and these are some body weight exercises which prove exactly that.


Press-ups are a tough exercise which helps to work out the shoulders, core, biceps and back. If you have never done one before then simply lie face down on the ground and place your palms on the ground. What you will do now is to slowly push yourself up off the ground, keeping your hands and toes in contact with the ground. Push yourself up until the body is straight and then go back down again until you are a couple of inches from the floor before pushing up again.


Another great one for leg and core strength is the squat, simple and very effective. Stand with your back against the wall, legs shoulder width apart and keeping your back straight you want to sink into a seating position with your knees bent, head up and arms out, before standing back up again. Be careful not to lean forward, the goal is to keep your back as straight as you possibly can.


Planks can be a real killer but they are going significantly boost your core. Similar to the press up position except place your elbows on the ground and your hands together as though you are praying. The idea is to lift your stomach up so that your bumĀ  and your back are straight and hold the position for as long as you can.


If you are really looking to burn some calories then burpees are your answer, a tough exercise which will increase both your strength and your fitness levels. Start off standing upright, hit the floor with your hands on the ground and do a squat thrust which is bring your knees to your chest with your hands on the ground, do this in a single motion. Once you have performed the squat thrust do a jumping jack (star jump) and repeat.

These are just 4 examples of exercises which you could be doing during lock down, aim to do 6 sets of 10 of each, and with the plank you could simply see how many minutes you are able to do, and repeat each day. Do this routinely and you will be able to replace those calories.

Categories: Health
James Smith:


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