Bobbleheads: A Collectible That Might Change Your Lifestyle

Do you have any collectibles in your house? Is it not addicting collecting all those stuff? For some, it is addicting, and for some, they see it as a form of accomplishment. Imagine a rare collectible that just had released, and it is from your favorite famous restaurant. Everyone would be vying for it, trying to collect the whole set. And you, you already have almost half of the collection. Would it not boost your confidence? In collecting collectibles, there are many advantages of collecting collectibles, and of course, there would also be disadvantages in it. This article will discuss mainly bubbleheads, some interesting facts about them, Their advantages and disadvantages in our lives, and their effects on our lifestyle.

Before getting to our main topics, let us first get familiar with the word bubblehead, from the action word ‘bob’ that signifies to move something up or down in a rapid manner. Hence the word bobblehead is derived, it is a doll or a collectible that bobs its head, its head is also slightly larger than its body. It was said in history that the first made bobblehead doll was made in China. In the later years, this magnificent work of art spread through Europe, further making the name bobblehead ring louder throughout the world, exciting, right? You can get your superhero modern bobbleheads here. This site deals with many modern bobbleheads; their topics vary from couples, weddings, casual, humorous, sports, sexy, school, movies, cartoons, graduation, leisure, work, office, music, and art! I recommend the movies and cartoons bobbleheads as there are many superheroes there such as batman, superman, wonder woman, green lantern, and many more figurines! Now here are some interesting facts about bobblehead dolls!

8 interesting facts about Nodders or commonly known as Bobbleheads:


  1. The first known bobblehead dolls are said to be carved upon the image of Buddha and other religious subjects– So as we know that bobbleheads are known to be from China, back in those days, Chinese people are worshipping Buddha. So that would be where they got the motivation to make some bobblehead dolls!
  2. The most substantial bobblehead figure is 15ft tall!– This bobblehead depicts a dog, a saint bernard at that. As of now, it is in the Guinness book of record!
  3. Bobblehead dolls are now used in the form of romance– Bobblehead dolls are now used for gifting your beloved ones, wherein you can customize your faces to that doll! Well, at least you have an idea of what to give on Valentine’s, right?
  4. The difference between Chinese bobbleheads and European bobbleheads- As we all know, after the bobbleheads became famous in China, it became famous in Europe, but what is their difference? Chinese bobbleheads mostly depict their lifestyle, while European bobbleheads depict animals!
  5. National Bobblehead Day– Well, let us celebrate National Bobblehead day on January 7!
  6. Bobblehead dolls now invade our culture– Bobbleheads are now used in our merchandise, businesses, literature, culture, and even music videos!
  7. There are now bobblehead museums– As of now, there are museums that showcase a lot of varieties of bobblehead dolls.
  8. A bobblehead doll for $60, 000– This bobblehead figure is the most expensive known bobblehead, and it appeared in Heritage’s Platinum Auction. This is a Yankee doll, this is just a typical Yankee doll, not even depicting a famous player, and it is about 14 inches tall!

How do bobbleheads affect your lifestyle:

Bobblehead dolls now affect our lifestyle in many ways, such as our culture, literature, and opinions. This bobblehead changes our perspective of simple dolls, and they can either benefit you as a person or harm you, it can affect those miscellaneous things around you. It may affect your business and personal interest. It can affect your whole lifestyle, may it be upon yourself or those around you.

Advantages and Disadvantages of collecting bobblehead dolls.


  • Collecting bobblehead dolls or figures could boost your confidence– Just like what I said a while ago, collecting bobblehead dolls or other collectibles can boost your confidence. But in what way? By collecting bobblehead dolls, you can feel a significant amount of pressure telling you to manage them. After receiving every single one of them, this act would serve as a stimulus for you to do a bunch more things quickly, whether may it be work or school-related.
  • Collecting bobblehead dolls or figures gives you a sense of accomplishment. It also serves as a motivation for you– Like what I said a while ago, collecting bobblehead dolls or data could give you a sense of accomplishment. But how can it give you that? In every person, we have this thing called pride, just by accomplishing something hard can give someone a sense of pride. It is very similar to this case by collecting these dolls; we can feel that pride. And after you have obtained about half of them or all of them, you can use this method to motivate yourself! Handy right?


  • Collecting too many figurines is costly– Okay, most of us know that we can not manage every single piece in a set mainly because of the price. Well, there is nothing we can do; we are not just fated to get all of them.
  • Collecting too many figurines may cause you to become mad and addicted– Collecting bobblehead or dolls may become a hobby, but a hobby is different from being addicted. If your addiction consumes you, it may become a problem for your health. So when collecting bobbleheads or figurines, be sure not to get addicted to the challenge of getting all of them.


Bobblehead dolls, as famous as they are in the past, still live up to their ancestral fame. A lot of people challenge themselves in collecting many figurines as a hobby, but if it becomes an addiction, that would be not good. This bobblehead doll has affected the culture we have now! May it be in movies, literature, merchandise, and even in romance etiquettes. All I can say about bobblehead dolls are that they have already reached a lot of milestones! So shall we start collecting them too?




Categories: Lifestyle
Abdullah Hussain:


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