Remember your last in-person job interview? You’re already nervous about the interview itself, but then you’re hit with another wave of panic because you have no clue how to get to the office. Will it be easy to find the place? Will someone be available to help you if you do get lost?
Almost all of us have had this experience, but a good visitor management system can mitigate this stressful experience for guests. While smaller offices and buildings may feel that having a visitor management system is unnecessary, it can make a big difference. It may even give you a competitive advantage and help you attract top talent.
A quick overview of visitor management systems
All businesses should prioritize visitor protocols for clients, partners, interns, service providers, interviewees, and anyone else not considered a full-time employee.
A user-friendly visitor management system sets the tone for a positive visitor experience. It also reduces disruptions for employees. Visitor management systems don’t need to have face-scanning technology or even the ability to print ID cards, but they do need to simplify visitor visits and maintain a certain level of safety for offices.
Visitor management sets expectations for guests, and creates a defined, reliable process for welcoming people into your office or building.
Most systems will collect visitors’ information, including their names, time and date of visits, contact information, and in some cases, photos, so that there is a clear record of who entered and exited the building. Systems may be digital, or there may be a person who is in charge of logging visitors using a sign-in sheet.
Types of visitor management systems
Different businesses and spaces will have vastly different visitor management needs. A financial company may require visitors to sign legal documents and have their photos taken before entering the establishment. Conversely, a startup may simply ask visitors to complete a self-service registration.
Below are some visitor management options available to businesses right now:
Front desk check-in
Checking in at the front desk or lobby is a traditional face-to-face visitor management solution. People still like having the option of speaking to another person. But not all companies can afford to hire someone to cover the front desk full time. And, people need breaks. They may miss a delivery or walk-in visitor while on lunch.
Visitor management software
Visitor management software is a digital system that registers and tracks guests. Systems like Office Control often incorporate visitor management into a larger workplace management platform. Admins, security or managers can preregister guests so that the check-in process is a quick and pleasant experience. Some systems may even allow guests to sign in themselves.
Depending on the functionalities of the platform, the person at the front will contact the person who the guest has come to see once all required information has been submitted. Or, the system may automatically send a visitor notification to the employee via email or text.
Some integrated visitor management systems sync with access control systems. So, locks or barriers may open up for authorized visitors once they sign in.
Visitor management kiosks
Visitor management kiosks and self-registration systems require visitors to enter their information using a shared tablet or self-service kiosk placed in the entrance area. Once the required information has been collected, barriers will be lifted, or the correct employee will be notified that their guest has arrived.
Key functions of a visitor management system
Visitor management systems create a frictionless visitor experience. They collect and pass on information, help with the maintenance of visitor databases, and make it easier for cleaners or interviewees to get where they’re going.
Visitor management systems significantly increase sign-in efficiency. Software that can be accessed by the visitor prior to arrival makes the process even quicker. Moreover, it offers additional reassurance to guests who aren’t familiar with your workplace.
Directing guests
Simple instructions substantially improve a visitor’s experience. It lets them know what to expect, where to go, or what to do after they have arrived. Companies can provide useful directions to create a great visitor experience.
Visitor management systems also prevent disruptions to employees or staff who are short on time.
Visitor check-in systems create records for security, companies or management. A good system:
- Ensures visitor records are always available. People who visit often may be able to bypass the initial sign-in process if the system allows for quick or automatic check-in
- Triggers the next phase of visitor handling and helps ensure guests aren’t waiting in the lobby for long periods of time
- Builds protocols. Check-ins are part of a systematic process that help visitors and businesses meet their objectives
How small companies can benefit from a visitor management system
Small businesses are always busy. Employees may be required to take on multiple roles, and teams work extremely hard to compete with bigger, established companies. Small organizations may be hesitant about implementing a visitor management system, but this investment can pay off big time.
In addition to keeping the workplace safer, a visitor management system also improves the visitor experience. Small companies can look at more budget-friendly solutions that involve self-check-in if they cannot afford to hire another staff member full time.
Outstanding client experiences
People don’t like the unfamiliar, and it can be a bit intimidating walking into a new building (remember how you felt during that interview). A system alleviates some of that unease.
If you are expecting a business partner, investor or client, having a warm and welcoming system in place sets the tone for a positive experience. First impressions aren’t the only thing that matter, but a bad first impression stays with someone indefinitely. Conversely, if you show that you truly care about your clients or future staff members, they are much more likely to engage in a long-term relationship with you.
Sometimes, big businesses are so busy, they forget about those little customer service details. Small businesses can differentiate themselves from the bigger companies by demonstrating how well they take care of their clients.
Reduce overhead
While a visitor management system is another expense for a small business, it may help to reduce unnecessary workload for security or team members by allowing visitors to register, check in, and check out themselves. Staff can be more productive and focus on the things that really matter.
Safety is maximized, liability reduced
A visitor management system provides visitors, employees, and anyone else in the office or building a sense of security. If the fire alarm goes off (or if there is a real fire), a team member or security guard can quickly take a look at the sign-in log and find the names of visitors who are currently in the workplace. Each visitor may receive a text with directions to the nearest fire exit based on their last location within the building. Or, someone may locate them and personally escort them out of the building.
In another situation, a visitor may have acted violently towards a staff member. Since there is a record of who this person is, the company can make a note not to authorize access to this individual again. It’s even easier to recognize that person if a photo was required while the guest was registering.
A visitor management system creates accountability, emphasizes safety, and improves the visitor experience. A good system can help a small business stand out from the competition, and allow staff to devote more energy to the things that matter.