It’s frustrating to realize you have lost your car keys. You don’t want to waste time going to the dealership, and you’ve got things to do.
Keys on Wheels helps you replace your car keys. They provide fast replacement car keys without the original key or remote. They will have a replacement at your location anywhere in as little as 24 hours after you have made your order. Read to learn how to get a car key replacement without the original.
Identify Key Type
You would need a replacement if you lost your car keys. However, there are different car keys, so it is essential to identify which type of key you need before replacing it.
The most types of keys are:
- Transponder key. It is a remote key that has an electronic chip in it. The chip sends out a signal that is picked up by the car’s ignition system, starting the engine.
- Remote key. This keyless entry system allows you to unlock/lock your vehicle with a button at a distance. These keys send an encoded signal via radio or infrared to a receiver within the vehicle. A battery is required to power a remote automobile key. The alarm can be turned off by pressing a button on the remote’s key chain.
- Valet key. Valet keys are often for hotels and restaurants to control access to customer vehicles. Still, they can also be used by mechanics or other service providers who need access to your vehicle for repairs or maintenance work.
- Mechanical Keys are twist keys used in old cars. The key gets inserted into the lock and turned to open it.
Go to Your Local Dealership
Without a working key, you can get a replacement made at any dealership that sells your make and model of automobile. The VIN can be used to get a key code, and a key can be cut depending on that code. However, the key won’t work until it’s been programmed by a professional who utilizes the manufacturer’s software and programming equipment to link it to your vehicle’s onboard computer.
The local dealership will duplicate your car key, which will cost around $15-$25, depending on the model of your car and the type of spare keys they have in stock. They may also charge extra if they must order new parts from their supplier.
Go to a Locksmith
Locksmiths have easy access to the most widely used replacement keys. Locksmiths can code keys by removing the ignition cylinder.
They will have the necessary tools to program a new key for your vehicle. You can even have them fashion a spare key, so you don’t have to put e everything on hold the next time you misplace your car keys/
What Information Do You Need Before You Seek Car Key Replacement?
If you have lost your car key, you may be wondering how to get a replacement without having the original. Fortunately, there are ways to obtain a new key without going through the dealership or locksmith.
Gather your vehicle information and keep it in one place for easy reference. It may include:
- VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) – It is a 17-digit number
- Model Year
- Car registration
- Car title
- Car make and model
Call your local DMV office or insurance company for help if you don’t have any of these things. Some states require you to register your vehicle within a certain period after buying it, so check with them first if this is the case for you.
How Long Does It Take to Replace a Car Key?
A professional locksmith can make a replacement automobile key quickly in 20-30 minutes. Replacement car keys can be cut and programmed in as little as 30 minutes. However, this time can increase depending on the make and model of your vehicle.
The Cost of Replacing a Car Key
You may have to part with around $10 to replace the car key of an older car. If you drive a newer car with a specialized or electronic key, prepare to dig deeper into your pocket. It may cost you up to $250 to replace car keys that have fobs, transponders or chips.
You may find yourself in need of an automotive locksmith if your original car key is stolen, misplaced or lost. Luckily, they can help you get out of that bind in less than an hour with just a few clicks on your phone. And note that the type of key and cost for a replacement largely depends on the year your car was made.