If you are a designer you probably must know how to create a UI Kit and resell it to help others or simply make money by doing what you love.
Any designer has the chance to earn on their design product lately. Icons, illustrations, website, and app templates are often becoming a digital product and sold worldwide. Your craft will help someone speed up their work and that they can pay for it. somebody else can purchase to ascertain how it is done. The third can fill in their resources together with your design solutions.
Your product can begin and obtain the highest level, or can end up being useless to anyone. But it is worth trying for the sake of pumping your skills, working with sales, an opportunity to offer up paperwork, or work for a customer. It can be a great addition to your portfolio to capture more clients or big companies.
Do you end up creating equivalent layouts, elements, and pages over and once again in various projects? You will create a master project containing all types of elements, such as a library of content like footers, calls to action, and so on. You will also create template pages for blogs and even a template style guide. Then, you will simply copy/paste to bring those elements right into another project.
Flexible design products are of the best value for the customer. It certainly contains tons of options, states, sizes of the weather used. Therefore, you will need to try hard and take into consideration everything, develop a system, then double-check everything carefully. Competition within the market of ready-made resources for Figma is not too visible, but it exists, then you will need to use all the experience and make a product of the very best quality.
You can deepen your future design system in any of the themes, especially if you have already worked with it: Ecommerce, Cryptocurrency, Social, Project management, etc. You will assign a better price for a more niche product then gradually reduce it if there’s no result. But it’s harder to sell a product during a narrow specialization, as fewer people need it. But when such a buyer is found, they will pay $200 or more for a private license. I like to recommend developing a system on the chosen theme, but make certain to point out how easy it is converted into another one.
Selecting Your Design Tool is Important
The tool selection for the longer-term design system is the choice of the market where you will work. I prefer Figma, you will like better to add XD, for instance. It is very important that the tool is growing and has its audience. If someone is already selling a similar product in this market — that is way too great, reuse their ideas by skipping through a glance at your product. If you’re the primary, there’s a reason to be wary.