Historic buildings can be susceptible to pest infestation. Historical facilities consist of information stored in the form of books and papers. Such materials can easily cause pest infestation and destroy valuable information.
Additionally, historic buildings such as museums and other institutions can be at high risk for pest infestation. As a result, pests can be easily attracted to historic buildings which harbor paper and wood.
In such cases, it will be necessary for you to learn pest control for historic buildings. Alternatively, you can contact Escondido pest control to manage pests in historic buildings.
Learning to manage pests in historical buildings:
- Become familiar with the original building’s materials.
You must become familiar with the building’s materials to prevent pests in historical buildings. Once you become familiar with the building’s materials, you can devise strategies for preventing them. You should hire a pest control professional to understand and create pest prevention strategies.
- Pay attention to moisture control.
Moisture is the main reason behind pest infestation. Unchecked moisture can also cause deterioration in historical buildings. Apart from moisture, several pests are drawn to moving or standing water.
If you perform moisture control, it will protect the building and keep it from drawing more pests. You should also complete any repairs related to moisture control. For example, you should check for small plumbings or guttering repairs to prevent pests.
- Maintain cleanliness
Unhygienic places can be an easy target for pests. It will be helpful for you to perform regular cleaning in the building to prevent pest infestation. If there is dust around the building, you must have it cleaned. Otherwise, you will likely find flies and termites in or around the building. You should ensure to vacuum the building to eliminate tiny pests from the building.
- Perform inspection for new incoming items.
Historical buildings are likely to receive new items. For example, a museum may add new materials to display them, or a library may add books to improve the collection. In such cases, inspecting new items for pests will be necessary. You should check if the new items are infested with pests and treat them before adding them to the building.
If a new item is infested with pests, you should promptly consult a pest control professional to understand how to deal with it. It will help you isolate the new items infested with pests. Seal-infested items to avoid pest populations. When you seal an infested item, you will remove the oxygen from its packed environment. Removing the oxygen supply can significantly help in pest elimination from historical buildings.